Understand Code conversion billing for Assembler conversion
You will refer this page to understand the Code conversion billing scope and process before doing the actual conversion. The billing calculation section mentions the process though which conversion from Assembler to COBOL is charged per each line of code.
Code conversion billing and scope
Assembler code conversion generates charges (billing reports) on your AWS account only after completing the conversion step. The charge is based on the number of lines of code converted. If you perform multiple conversion steps, for instance after adding new Assembler code, changing the conversion configuration, or applying a new version of the container, only changed lines and/or newly added lines are used to calculate the charge. We won't charge you twice for conversion of the same line of code in the same program.
The modules with changed lines of code and all lines of code in new or renamed programs will be charged.
To avoid multiple charges, Code conversion stores an encoded binary file for each
Assembler or Macro module in the project bucket in <Project_bucket>/
These encoded files do not contain any customer code. awsm2ccm-do-not-delete
Don't manually edit or delete these files. Changes may result in multiple billings for converting the same components.
The AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion analysis report (“Analysis Report”) provides customers with details about the anticipated conversion scope, outcome, and billing to ensure accurate expectations of the actual conversion. Conversion may result in some lines of code not getting converted, some lines of code partially getting converted, and some lines of code converting completely. The Analysis Report shows the number of lines of code for each category. You must run and read the Analysis Report prior to processing any conversion of programs, macros, and copybooks. Once a customer reviews the Analysis Report and agrees with the reported scope, expected outcome, and expected billing, the customer can move forward with executing the conversion.
By executing the AWS Mainframe Modernization Code Conversion Convert
command, you acknowledge that you have
run and read the Analysis Report, and agree with the expected outcome and the
billable number of lines of code.
Scope of Conversion
AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion processes all lines of code of all assembler, macro and copybook components available in the scrlib and macrolib directories in the configured S3 source location. Assembler programs, and any macros, and copybooks referenced in an assembler program are in scope. Macro and copybook components that are not referenced by an assembler program are considered as out of scope and not converted. During processing, the converter executes advanced algorithms that consider each in-scope component holistically. All lines of code of these components participate in the processing regardless of whether they are totally converted, partially converted, or not converted. AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion ignores blank lines and doesn't count them as lines of code. Comment lines and lines containing any other text (e.g., JCL statements for assembler embedded in JCL) are counted as lines of code for billing.
Billing calculation
AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion charges for the in-scope components in their entirety. This means that it charges for every line of code within each in-scope component, including lines that could not be converted, were partially converted, and were totally converted. AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion adds up all lines of code of components supplied for processing (including assembler programs, referenced copybooks, and referenced macros), and uses the total number of lines of code for billing.
Copybooks and macros not referenced by an Assembler program are not considered in-scope.
For example, assume a program has 1,000 lines of code:
700 lines are fully converted
200 lines are partially converted
100 lines are not converted
1,000 lines of code would be processed and will be billable.
Improving the conversion
If you as a customer seek a higher conversion rate for the lines of code or have other specific requirements, you can reach out to the AWS representatives for additional engagement options such as a calibration effort, or professional services assistance.