Understand components and processes for Code conversion
AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion process includes various components such as AWS Mainframe Modernization container, S3 project bucket, and Log file locations.
AWS Mainframe Modernization container
AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion container runs in the AWS CodeBuild project, and provides commands to set up the project directories and configuration files, assess Assembler code, expand Assembler macros, and convert Assembler code to COBOL.
You will have access to the following AWS ECR
To use the images, you can follow either of the two options:
Use the latest tag when consuming the image via AWS CodeBuild. When using the image, you will use this path:
. This means that AWS CodeBuild will pick up whichever was the last pushed image into the repository. -
Listing the version and selecting from that. To do this use the following command via CLI to list the different versions in the repository:
aws ecr describe-images \ --registry-id 381492161314 \ --repository-name aws-mlogica-codebuild-prod \ --query 'imageDetails[*].{ImagePushedAt: imagePushedAt, ImageTags: imageTags}' \ --output json | jq '[.[] | {ImageURI: (.ImageTags[] | "381492161314.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/aws-mlogica-codebuild-prod:" + .), ImagePushedAt: .ImagePushedAt}] | sort_by(.ImagePushedAt) | reverse'
This will list all the images with the associated tag on each image, and the time when a particular image was released to the repository. Based on the above code, you will get a list of images where the tag on the image represents the version of the code conversion utility. You can select the appropriate image based on your requirements.
S3 project bucket
The input and output code, code updated with expanded Macros, and the reports generated by AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion are stored in the project bucket you create in your AWS Account Management. You provide AWS Mainframe Modernization Code conversion with access to the bucket by granting permissions to an AWS service role.
Log file locations
Log files are written in two locations during each CodeBuild project execution:
Log files with high-level results of each CodeBuild step are written to log files in the Logging bucket configured in the CodeBuild. These files appear as gzip archives with a GUID- type file name generated by the CodeBuild framework (e.g.,
0c03e183-ab40-4fe0-ba77- bc1d87e73b14.gz
). Each archive contains the log generated by the execution of a CodeBuild project. If a CodeBuild project execution fails, this log file will contain important troubleshooting information. -
Log files with detailed execution results at a component level are written to the log files in the main Project bucket path with the filename pattern
(e.g.project- bucket_202406131200.log
). These logs provide:-
A configuration summary noting input and output locations.
A log of each Assembler or Macro component processed with the target filename.
A list of reports generated with file locations.
For conversion executions, a list of the run-time copybooks supplied.
Process overview
The following diagram illustrates the process of converting Assembler to COBOL: