Tutorial: Set up managed runtime for AWS Blu Age - AWS Mainframe Modernization

Tutorial: Set up managed runtime for AWS Blu Age

You can deploy a AWS Blu Age modernized application into an AWS Mainframe Modernization runtime environment with a demo application specified in this tutorial.


To complete this tutorial, download the demo application archive PlanetsDemo-v4.zip.

The running demo application requires a modern browser for access. Whether you run this browser from your desktop or from an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance, for example, within the VPC, determines your security settings.

Step 1: Upload the demo application

Upload the demo application to an Amazon S3 bucket. Make sure that this bucket is in the same AWS Region where you will deploy the application. The following example shows a bucket named planets-demo, with a key prefix, or folder, named v1 and an archive named planetsdemo-v4.zip.

The PlanetsDemo bucket in Amazon S3 showing the v1 prefix and the planetsdemo-v4.zip file.

The folder in the bucket is required.

Step 2: Create the application definition

To deploy an application to the managed runtime, you need an AWS Mainframe Modernization application definition. This definition is a JSON file that describes the application location and settings. The following example is such an application definition for the demo application:

{ "template-version": "2.0", "source-locations": [{ "source-id": "s3-source", "source-type": "s3", "properties": { "s3-bucket": "planets-demo", "s3-key-prefix": "v1" } }], "definition": { "listeners": [{ "port": 8196, "type": "http" }], "ba-application": { "app-location": "${s3-source}/PlanetsDemo-v4.zip" } } }

Change the s3-bucket entry to the name of the sample application zip file (e.g., planets-demo), and the app-location entry to the S3 path where you stored the sample application zip file (e.g., ${s3-source}/PlanetsDemo-v4.zip).


Make sure to create the application definition file on your local as a text file.

For more information on the application definition, see AWS Blu Age application definition sample.

Step 3: Create a runtime environment

To create the AWS Mainframe Modernization runtime environment, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the AWS Mainframe Modernization console.

  2. In the AWS Region selector, choose the Region where you want to create the environment. This AWS Region must match the Region where you created the S3 bucket in Step 1: Upload the demo application.

  3. Under Modernize mainframe applications, choose Refactor with Blu Age, and then choose Get started.

    The Modernize mainframe applications section with selected Refactor AWS Blu Age.
  4. Under How can AWS Mainframe Modernization help, choose Deploy and Create runtime environment.

    The How would you like to start with AWS Mainframe Modernization section with deploy and create runtime environment selected.
  5. In the left navigation, choose Environments, then choose Create environment. On the Specify basic information page, enter a name and description for your environment, and then make sure AWS Blu Age engine is selected. Optionally, you can add tags to the created resource. Then choose Next.

    The AWS Mainframe Modernization Specify basic information page with the AWS Blu Age engine selected.
  6. On the Specify configurations page, choose Standalone runtime environment.

    The AWS Mainframe Modernization Availability section with Standalone runtime environment selected.
  7. Under Security and network, make the following changes:

    • Choose Allow applications deployed to this environment to be publicly accessible. This option assigns a public IP address to the application so that you can access it from your desktop.

    • Choose a VPC. You can use the Default.

    • Choose two subnets. Make sure that the subnets allow the assignment of public IP addresses.

    • Choose a security group. You can use the Default. Make sure that the security group that you choose allows access from the browser IP address to the port you specified in the listener property of the application definition. For more information, see Step 2: Create the application definition.

    The Security and network section with the default VPC and two subnets selected.

    If you want to access the application from outside the VPC that you chose, make sure that the inbound rules for that VPC are configured properly. For more information, see Troubleshooting error: Cannot access an application URL.

  8. Choose Next.

  9. In Attach storage - Optional, leave the default selections and choose Next.

    The Attach storage page with the default values applied.
  10. In Schedule maintenance, choose No preference, and then choose Next.

  11. In Review and create, review the information, and then choose Create environment.

Step 4: Create an application

  1. Navigate to AWS Mainframe Modernization in the AWS Management Console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Applications, and then choose Create application. On the Specify basic information page, enter a name and description for the application, and make sure that the AWS Blu Age engine is selected. Then choose Next.

    The application Specify basic information page with the AWS Blu Age engine selected.
  3. On the Specify resources and configurations page, copy and paste the updated application definition JSON you created in Step 2: Create the application definition.

    The Resources and configurations section with the updated application definition JSON pasted in.
  4. In Review and create, review your choices, and then choose Create application.


    If your application creation fails, check the S3 path you entered since it's case sensitive.

Step 5: Deploy an application

After you successfully create both the AWS Mainframe Modernization runtime environment and application, and both are in the Available state, you can deploy the application into the runtime environment. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to AWS Mainframe Modernization in the AWS Management Console. In the navigation pane, choose Environments. The Environments list page is displayed.

    The AWS Mainframe Modernization runtime environments list.
  2. Choose the previously created runtime environment. The environment details page is displayed.

  3. Choose Deploy application.

    The environment details page for the planets-demo-env environment.
  4. Choose the previously created application, then choose the version you want to deploy your application to. Then choose Deploy.

    The AWS Mainframe Modernization Deploy application page with the planets demo app displayed.
  5. Wait until the application finishes its deployment. You'll see a banner with the message Application was deployed successfully.

Step 6: Start an application

  1. Navigate to AWS Mainframe Modernization in the AWS Management Console and choose Applications.

  2. Choose your application, and then go to Deployments. The status of the application should be Succeeded.

    The AWS Mainframe Modernization Deployments page showing a deployment status of Succeeded.
  3. Choose Actions, and then choose Start application.

Step 7: Access the application

  1. Wait until the application is in the Running state. You'll see a banner with the message Application was started successfully.

  2. Copy the application DNS hostname. You can find this hostname in the Application information section of the application.

  3. In a browser, navigate to http://{hostname}:{portname}/PlanetsDemo-web-1.0.0/, where:

    The JICS screen appears.

    The JICS transaction launcher page.

If you can't access the application, see Troubleshooting error: Cannot access an application URL.


If the application is not accessible, and the inbound rule on security group has 'My IP' selected on port 8196, specify rule to allow traffic from LB i/p on port 8196.

Step 8: Test the application

In this step, you run a transaction in the migrated application.

  1. On the JICS screen, enter PINQ in the input field, and choose Run (or press Enter) to start the application transaction.

    The demo app screen should appear.

    The PlanetsDemo application screen in insert mode.
  2. Type a planet name in the corresponding field and press Enter.

    The PlanetsDemo application screen with Earth entered in the Planet name field.

    You should see details about the planet.

Clean up resources

If you no longer need the resources that you created for this tutorial, delete them to avoid additional charges. To do so, complete the following steps: