Reviewing estimated usage costs for Macie
To review your current estimated usage costs for Amazon Macie, you can use the Amazon Macie
console or the Amazon Macie API. Both the console and the API provide estimated costs for
Macie pricing dimensions. If you’re currently participating in a 30-day free trial, you
can use this data to estimate your costs for using Macie after your free trial ends. For
information about Macie pricing dimensions and considerations, see Understanding estimated
usage costs. For detailed information
and examples of usage costs, see Amazon Macie
In Macie, estimated usage costs are reported in US dollars (USD) and apply only to the current AWS Region. If you use the console to review the data, the cost estimates are for the current calendar month to date (inclusively). If you query the data programmatically with the Amazon Macie API, you can specify an inclusive time range for the estimates, either a rolling time range of the preceding 30 days or the current calendar month to date.
Reviewing estimated usage costs on the Amazon Macie console
On the Amazon Macie console, cost estimates are organized as follows:
Preventative control monitoring – This is the estimated cost of maintaining an inventory of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) general purpose buckets, and evaluating and monitoring the buckets for security and access control.
Sensitive data discovery jobs – This is the estimated cost of the sensitive data discovery jobs that you ran.
Automated sensitive data discovery – These are the estimated costs of performing automated sensitive data discovery. This includes monitoring and evaluating your S3 bucket inventory to identify S3 objects that are eligible for analysis. It also includes analyzing eligible objects and reporting sensitive data statistics, findings, and other types of results.
To review estimates for automated sensitive data discovery by using the console, you must be the Macie administrator for an organization or have a standalone Macie account.
To review your estimated usage costs on the console
Follow these steps to review your estimated usage costs by using the Amazon Macie console.
Open the Amazon Macie console at
. -
By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, choose the Region in which you want to review your estimated costs.
In the navigation pane, choose Usage.
If you have a standalone Macie account or a member account in an organization, the Usage page displays a breakdown of the estimated usage costs for your account.
If you’re the Macie administrator for an organization, the Usage page lists accounts in your organization. In the table:
Service quota – Jobs – This is the current monthly quota for running sensitive data discovery jobs to analyze S3 objects in buckets that an account owns.
Free trial – These fields indicate whether an account is currently participating in the free trial for preventative control monitoring or automated sensitive data discovery. A Free trial field is empty if the applicable free trial has ended for an account.
Total – This is the total estimated cost for an account.
The Estimated costs section shows the total estimated cost for your organization and a breakdown of those costs. To review the breakdown of estimated costs for a specific account in your organization, choose the account in the table. The Estimated costs section then shows this breakdown. To show this data for another account, choose the account in the table. To clear your account selection, choose X next to the account ID.
Querying estimated usage costs with the Amazon Macie API
To query your estimated usage costs programmatically, you can use the following operations of the Amazon Macie API:
GetUsageTotals – This operation returns total estimated usage costs for your account, grouped by usage metric. If you’re the Macie administrator for an organization, this operation returns aggregated cost estimates for all the accounts in your organization. To learn more about this operation, see Usage Totals in the Amazon Macie API Reference.
GetUsageStatistics – This operation returns usage statistics and related data for your account, grouped by account and then by usage metric. The data includes total estimated usage costs and current account quotas. As applicable, it also indicates when your 30-day free trial started for Macie and for automated sensitive data discovery. If you’re the Macie administrator for an organization, this operation returns a breakdown of the data for all the accounts in your organization. You can customize your query by sorting and filtering the query results. To learn more about this operation, see Usage Statistics in the Amazon Macie API Reference.
When you use either operation, you can optionally specify an inclusive time range for
the data. This time range can be a rolling time range of the preceding 30 days
) or the current calendar month to date
). If you don’t specify a time range, Macie returns the
data for the preceding 30 days.
The following examples show how to query estimated usage costs and statistics by using the
AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). You can also query the data by using a current version of another AWS command line tool or an AWS
SDK, or by sending HTTPS requests directly to Macie. For information about AWS tools and SDKs,
see Tools to Build on AWS
Example 1: Querying total estimated usage costs
To query total estimated usage costs by using the AWS CLI, run the get-usage-totals command and optionally specify a time range for the data. For example:
aws macie2 get-usage-totals --time-range
specifies the current calendar
month to date as the time range for the data.MONTH_TO_DATE
If the command runs successfully, you receive output similar to the following.
"timeRange": "MONTH_TO_DATE",
"usageTotals": [
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "153.45",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "65.18",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "1.51",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "0.98",
Where estimatedCost
is the total estimated usage cost for the associated
usage metric (type
, for analyzing S3 objects with sensitive data discovery jobs. -
, for analyzing S3 objects with automated sensitive data discovery. -
, for monitoring and evaluating S3 general purpose buckets for security and access control. -
, for evaluating and monitoring your S3 bucket inventory to identify S3 objects that are eligible for analysis by automated sensitive data discovery.
Example 2: Querying usage statistics
To query usage statistics by using the AWS CLI, run the get-usage-statistics command. You can optionally sort, filter, and specify a time range for the query results. The following example retrieves usage statistics for a Macie administrator account for the preceding 30 days. The results are sorted in ascending order by AWS account ID.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix, using the backslash (\) line-continuation character to improve readability:
aws macie2 get-usage-statistics \ --sort-by '{"key":"
"}' \ --time-rangePAST_30_DAYS
For Microsoft Windows, using the caret (^) line-continuation character to improve readability:
aws macie2 get-usage-statistics ^ --sort-by={\"key\":\"
\"} ^ --time-rangePAST_30_DAYS
specifies the field to use to sort the results. -
is the sort order to apply to the results, based on the value for the specified field (accountId
). -
specifies the preceding 30 days as the time range for the data.PAST_30_DAYS
If the command runs successfully, Macie returns a records
The array contains an object for each account that’s included in the query
results. For example:
"records": [
"accountId": "111122223333",
"automatedDiscoveryFreeTrialStartDate": "2024-01-28T16:00:00+00:00",
"freeTrialStartDate": "2020-05-20T12:26:36.917000+00:00",
"usage": [
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "1.51",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "65.18",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "153.45",
"serviceLimit": {
"isServiceLimited": false,
"unit": "TERABYTES",
"value": 50
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "0.98",
"accountId": "444455556666",
"automatedDiscoveryFreeTrialStartDate": "2024-01-28T16:00:00+00:00",
"freeTrialStartDate": "2020-05-18T16:26:36.917000+00:00",
"usage": [
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "1.58",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "63.13",
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "145.12",
"serviceLimit": {
"isServiceLimited": false,
"unit": "TERABYTES",
"value": 50
"currency": "USD",
"estimatedCost": "1.02",
"timeRange": "PAST_30_DAYS"
Where estimatedCost
is the total estimated usage cost for the
associated usage metric (type
) for an account:
, for monitoring and evaluating S3 general purpose buckets for security and access control. -
, for analyzing S3 objects with automated sensitive data discovery. -
, for analyzing S3 objects with sensitive data discovery jobs. -
, for evaluating and monitoring the account's S3 bucket inventory to identify S3 objects that are eligible for analysis by automated sensitive data discovery.