Reviewing Macie accounts for an organization - Amazon Macie

Reviewing Macie accounts for an organization

After an AWS Organizations organization is integrated and configured in Amazon Macie, the delegated Macie administrator can access an inventory of the organization's accounts in Macie. As the Macie administrator for an organization, you can use this inventory to review statistics and details for your organization's Macie accounts in an AWS Region. You can also use it to perform certain management tasks for the accounts.

To review the Macie accounts for an organization

To review the accounts for your organization, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API. If you prefer to use the console, you must be allowed to perform the following AWS Organizations action: organizations:ListAccounts. This action allows you to retrieve and display information about accounts that are part of your organization in AWS Organizations.


Follow these steps to review your organization's Macie accounts by using the Amazon Macie console.

To review your organization's accounts
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, choose the Region in which you want to review your organization's accounts.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts.

The Accounts page opens and displays aggregated statistics and a table of the accounts that are associated with your Macie account in the current AWS Region.

At the top of the Accounts page, you'll find the following aggregated statistics.

Via AWS Organizations

Active reports the total number of accounts that are associated with your account through AWS Organizations and are currently Macie member accounts in your organization. Macie is enabled for these accounts and you’re the Macie administrator of the accounts.

All reports the total number of accounts that are associated with your account through AWS Organizations. This includes accounts that aren’t currently Macie member accounts. It also includes member accounts that Macie is currently suspended for.

By invitation

Active reports the total number of accounts that are associated with your account by Macie invitation and are currently Macie member accounts in your organization. These accounts aren’t associated with your account through AWS Organizations. Macie is enabled for the accounts and you’re the Macie administrator of the accounts because they accepted a Macie membership invitation from you.

All reports the total number of accounts that are associated with your account by Macie invitation, including accounts that haven’t responded to an invitation from you.


Active reports the total number of accounts that Macie is currently enabled for in your organization, including your own account. You’re the Macie administrator of these accounts through AWS Organizations or by Macie invitation.

All reports the total number of accounts that are associated with your account, through AWS Organizations or by Macie invitation, plus your own account. This includes accounts that are part of your organization in AWS Organizations and aren’t currently Macie member accounts. It also includes any accounts that haven’t responded to a Macie membership invitation from you.

In the table, you’ll find details about each account in the current Region. The table includes all the accounts that are associated with your Macie account through AWS Organizations or by Macie invitation.

Account ID

The account ID and email address for the AWS account.


The account name for the AWS account. This value is typically N/A for your own account, and any accounts that are associated with your account by Macie invitation.


How the account is associated with your account, through AWS Organizations or by Macie invitation. For your own account, this value is Current account.


The status of the relationship between your account and the account. For an account in an AWS Organizations organization (Type is Via AWS Organizations), possible values are:

  • Account suspended – The AWS account is suspended.

  • Enabled – The account is a Macie member account. Macie is enabled for the account and you’re the Macie administrator of the account.

  • Enabling in process – Macie is processing a request to enable and add the account as a Macie member account.

  • Not a member – The account is part of your organization in AWS Organizations but it isn’t a Macie member account.

  • Paused (suspended) – The account is a Macie member account but Macie is currently suspended for the account.

  • Region disabled – The account is part of your organization in AWS Organizations but the current Region is disabled for the AWS account.

  • Removed (disassociated) – The account was previously a Macie member account but was subsequently removed as a member account. You disassociated the account from your Macie administrator account. Macie continues to be enabled for the account.

Last status update

When you or the associated account most recently performed an action that affected the relationship between your accounts.

Automated sensitive data discovery

Whether automated sensitive data discovery is currently enabled or disabled for the account.

To sort the table by a specific field, choose the column heading for the field. To change the sort order, choose the column heading again. To filter the table, place your cursor in the filter box, and then add a filter condition for a field. To further refine the results, add filter conditions for additional fields.


To review your organization’s accounts programmatically, use the ListMembers operation of the Amazon Macie API and specify the Region that your request applies to. To review the accounts in additional Regions, submit your request in each additional Region.

When you submit your request, use the onlyAssociated parameter to specify which accounts to include in the response. By default, Macie returns details about only those accounts that are Macie member accounts in the specified Region through AWS Organizations or by Macie invitation. To retrieve these details for all the accounts that are associated with your Macie account, including accounts that aren’t member accounts, include the onlyAssociated parameter in your request and set the parameter’s value to false.

To review your organization’s accounts by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), run the list-members command. For the only-associated parameter, specify whether to include all associated accounts or only Macie member accounts. To include only member accounts, omit this parameter or set the parameter’s value to true. To include all accounts, set this value to false. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 list-members --region us-east-1 --only-associated false

Where us-east-1 is the Region that the request applies to, the US East (N. Virginia) Region.

If your request succeeds, Macie returns a members array. The array contains a member object for each account that meets the criteria specified in the request. In that object, the relationshipStatus field indicates the current status of the relationship between your account and the other account in the specified Region. For an account in an AWS Organizations organization, possible values are:

  • AccountSuspended – The AWS account is suspended.

  • Created – Macie is processing a request to enable and add the account as a Macie member account.

  • Enabled – The account is a Macie member account. Macie is enabled for the account and you’re the Macie administrator of the account.

  • Paused – The account is a Macie member account but Macie is currently suspended (paused) for the account.

  • RegionDisabled – The account is part of your organization in AWS Organizations but the current Region is disabled for the AWS account.

  • Removed – The account was previously a Macie member account but was subsequently removed as a member account. You disassociated the account from your Macie administrator account. Macie continues to be enabled for the account.

For information about other fields in the member object, see Members in the Amazon Macie API Reference.