Reviewing data sensitivity details for S3 buckets
As automated sensitive data discovery progresses, you can review detailed results in statistics and other information that Amazon Macie provides about each of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, this includes buckets that your member accounts own.
The statistics and information include details that provide insight into the security and privacy of an S3 bucket’s data. They also capture the results of automated sensitive data discovery activities that Macie has performed thus far for a bucket. For example, you can find a list of objects that Macie has analyzed in a bucket. You can also find a breakdown of the types and number of occurrences of sensitive data that Macie has found in a bucket. Note that this data doesn't include the results of sensitive data discovery jobs that you create and run.
Macie automatically recalculates and updates statistics and details for your S3 buckets while it performs automated sensitive data discovery. For example:
If Macie doesn't find sensitive data in an S3 object, Macie decreases the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary. Macie also adds the object to the list of objects that it selected for analysis.
If Macie finds sensitive data in an S3 object, Macie adds those occurrences to the breakdown of sensitive data types that Macie has found in the bucket. Macie also increases the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary. In addition, Macie adds the object to the list of objects that it selected for analysis. These tasks are in addition to creating a sensitive data finding for the object.
If Macie finds sensitive data in an S3 object that's subsequently changed or deleted, Macie removes sensitive data occurrences for the object from the bucket's breakdown of sensitive data types. Macie also decreases the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary. In addition, Macie removes the object from the list of objects that it selected for analysis.
If Macie attempts to analyze an S3 object but an issue or error prevents analysis, Macie adds the object to the list of objects that it selected for analysis, and indicates that it wasn't able to analyze the object.
If you're the Macie administrator for an organization or you have a standalone Macie account, you can optionally use these details to assess and adjust certain automated discovery settings for an S3 bucket. For example, you can include or exclude specific types of sensitive data from a bucket's score. For more information, see Adjusting sensitivity scores for S3 buckets.
To review data sensitivity details for an S3 bucket
To review data sensitivity and other details for an S3 bucket, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API. On the console, the details panel provides centralized access to this information. With the API, you can retrieve and process the data programmatically.