Find here some detailed examples of how to use the Create stack with CloudFormation template change type.
To download a set of sample CloudFormation templates per AWS Region, see Sample Templates.
For reference information on AWS CloudFormation resources, see AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. However, AMS supports a smaller set of resources, which are described in AMS CloudFormation ingest.
AMS advises you to gather all IAM or other policy-related resources and submit them in a single Management | Other | Other | Create change type (ct-1e1xtak34nx76). For example, combine all needed IAM roles, IAM instance profiles, IAM policy updates for existing IAM roles, S3 bucket policies, SNS/SQS policies, and so forth, and then submit a ct-1e1xtak34nx76 RFC so that these pre-existing resources can be referenced inside the future CFN Ingest templates.