Updating container product availability by country in AWS Marketplace
As an AWS Marketplace seller, you can change the countries in which your container product can be offered and subscribed to. For more information, see Countries. The following procedure shows you how to update your container product availability by country.
Open the AWS Marketplace Management Portal at https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/management/tour/
and sign in to your seller account. -
From the Server Products
page, select the container product that you want to modify. -
From the Request changes dropdown list, select Update public offer, and then select Update availability by country.
Select one of the following options:
All countries – Available in all supported countries.
All countries with exclusions – Available in all supported countries except in selected countries.
Allowlisted countries only – Available for buyers to purchase only in the countries you specify.
Choose Submit to submit your request for review.
Verify that the Requests tab shows the Request status as Under review. When the request completes, the status will update to Succeeded or Failed.