Storage and structure of AWS Marketplace data feeds - AWS Marketplace

Storage and structure of AWS Marketplace data feeds

AWS Marketplace provides data feeds as a mechanism to send structured, up-to-date product and customer information from AWS Marketplace systems to seller Amazon S3 buckets for ETL (extract, transform, and load) between seller-owned business intelligence tools. This topic provides more information about the structure and storage of data feeds.

Data feeds collect and deliver comma-separated value (CSV) files to an encrypted Amazon S3 bucket that you provide. The CSV files have the following characteristics:

  • They follow 4180 standards.

  • Character encoding is UTF-8 without BOM.

  • Commas are used as separators between values.

  • Fields are escaped by double quotation marks.

  • \n is the line feed character.

  • Dates are reported in the UTC time zone, are in ISO 8601 date and time format, and are accurate within 1 second.

  • All *_period_start_date and *_period_end_date values are inclusive, which means that 23:59:59 is the last possible timestamp for any day.

  • All monetary fields are preceded with a currency field.

  • Monetary fields use a period (.) character as a decimal separator, and don't use a comma (,) as a thousands separator.

Data feeds are generated and stored as follows:

  • Data feeds are generated within a day, and contain 24 hours of data from the previous day.

  • In the Amazon S3 bucket, data feeds are organized by month using the following format:


  • As each daily data feed is generated, it is appended to the existing CSV file for that month. When a new month starts, a new CSV file is generated for each data feed.

  • Information in data feeds is backfilled from 2010/01/01 to 2020/04/30 (inclusive) and is available in the CSV file in the year=2010/month=01 subfolder.

    You may notice cases where the current month's file for a given data feed contains only column headers, and no data. This means that there were no new entries for that month for the feed. This can happen with data feeds that are updated less frequently, like the product feed. In these cases, data is available in the backfilled folder.

  • In Amazon S3, you can create an Amazon S3 lifecycle policy to manage how long to keep files in the bucket.

  • You can configure Amazon SNS to notify you when data is delivered to your encrypted S3 bucket. For information on how to configure notifications, see Getting started with Amazon SNS in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.

Historization of the data

Each data feed includes columns that document the history of the data. Except for valid_to, these columns are common to all data feeds. They're included as a common history schema and are useful in querying the data.

Column name Description
valid_from The first date that the value for the primary key is valid for in relation to values for other fields.
valid_to This column is only shown on the Address data feed and is always blank.
insert_date The date a record was inserted into the data feed.
update_date The date the record was last updated.
delete_date This column is always blank.

The following shows an example of these columns.

valid_from valid_to insert_date update_date delete_date
2018-12-12T02:00:00Z 2018-12-12T02:00:00Z 2018-12-12T02:00:00Z
2019-03-29T03:00:00Z 2019-03-29T03:00:00Z 2019-03-29T03:00:00Z
2019-03-29T03:00:00Z 2019-03-29T03:00:00Z 2019-04-28T03:00:00Z

The valid_from and update_date field together form a bi-temporal data model. The valid_from field, as it is named, tells you when the item is valid from. If the item was edited, it can have multiple records in the feed, each with a different update_date, but the same valid_from date. For example, to find the current value for an item, you would find the record with the most recent update_date, from the list of records with the most recent valid_from date.

In the example above, the record was originally created 2018-12-12. It was then changed on 2019-03-29 (for example, if the address in the record changed). Later, on 2019-04-28, the address change was corrected (so the valid_from didn't change, but the update_date did). Correcting the address (a rare event) retroactively changes the record from the original valid_from date, so that field didn't change. A query to find the most recent valid_from would return two records, the one with the latest update_date gives you the actual current record.