Disbursement report
This report will become unavailable on August 30, 2024. You can use these alternatives:
The collections_and_disbursements_report
SQL query on GitHub.
The disbursement report provides information about funds that we collected and disbursed to your bank accounts since the previous disbursement. Disbursements can include customer payments or refunds for a subscription to your product, and some taxes collected or refunded to the customer. You don't receive disbursement of funds until the funds are collected from the customer. Different customers have different payment terms with AWS, so some of the funds in each of the uncollected age categories might not be due from the customer.
Refunds appear as negative amounts because the money is returned to your customer after you authorize a refund.
This report is available on the AWS Marketplace Management Portal under the Reports tab. To create your own report similar to this one you can use the AWS Marketplace Seller delivery data feeds in AWS Marketplace, including the Disbursements by product as a base report to customize to meet your needs.
To cancel the notification emails for this report, contact the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations
Publication schedule
This report is published 3-5 days after a disbursement has been initiated to transfer funds to your bank. In general, this is a report for sellers who receive disbursements on a monthly cadence. If there is no disbursement initiated, no disbursement report is generated.
Section 1: Disbursed amount by product
This section lists data for disbursements by product.
Column name | Description |
Product | The title of the product. |
Product Code | The unique identifier for the product. |
SellerRev | The amount that is billed to the customer for the usage or fees of the product. |
AWSRefFee | The amount of the AWS Marketplace fee. |
SellerRevRefund | The amount of the subscription cost that is refunded to customers if any refunds were processed during the data coverage period. |
AWSRefFeeRefund | The amount of the AWS Marketplace fee that is refunded if any refunds were processed during the data coverage period. |
SellerRevCredit | The AWS credits that AWS Marketplace placed on the customer's account. |
AWSRefFeeCredit | The AWS credits that AWS Marketplace placed on your account. |
Net Amount | The total funds that we disbursed to you. This column is equal to the SellerRev column minus the AWSRefFee column. When a refund is given to a customer, this column is a negative number equal to the SellerRevRefund column minus the AWSRefFeeRefund column. |
Transaction Reference ID | A unique identifier for the transaction that helps you correlate transactions across AWS Marketplace reports. |
SellerUSSalesTax | The total amount of US sales and use tax that is billed for this transaction. |
SellerUSSalesTaxRefund | The total amount of US sales and use tax that is refunded for this transaction if a refund was processed. |
Customer AWS Account Number | The ID of the account that the charges are billed to. |
Customer Country | The two-character country code that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. This report uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
Customer State | The billing address state that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. |
Customer City | The billing address city that is associated with the account that charges are billed to. |
Customer Zip Code | The billing address postal code that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. |
Customer Email Domain | The email domain that is associated with the account that the charges are billed
to. For example, if the email address is liu-jie@example.com , the entry
is example.com . |
Solution Title | The name of the solution. |
Solution ID | The unique identifier for the solution. |
Payer Reference ID | A unique identifier that isn't the account ID. It's associated with the account that fees are billed to. It helps with tracking usage, revenue, and subscriptions by customers across all of the AWS Marketplace financial reports. |
Payer Address ID | A unique identifier that represents the customer's address. |
Section 2: Disbursed amount by customer geography
This section lists data for disbursements by the customer's geographic location.
Column name | Description |
Settlement ID | The unique identifier of the disbursement. |
Settlement Period Start Date | The starting date and time of the disbursement period. |
Settlement Period End Date | The ending date and time of the disbursement period. |
Deposit Date | The date and time when the disbursement occurred. |
Disbursed Amount | The total amount of the disbursement. |
Country Code | The two-character country code that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. This report uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
State or Region | The billing address state that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. |
City | The billing address city that is associated with the account that charges are billed to. |
Postal Code | The billing address postal code that is associated with the account that the software charges are billed to. |
Net Amount by Tax Location | The total funds that are disbursed to the seller by tax location, less AWS Marketplace fees, refunds, and US sales and use tax. |
Gross Amount by Tax Location | The total funds that are disbursed to the seller by tax location. |
Seller U.S. Sales Tax | The total amount of US sales and use tax that is billed for this transaction on behalf of the Seller. (That is, related records in US Sales and Tax reports show “tax liable party” == “SELLER”.) |
Seller U.S. Sales Tax Refund | The total amount of US sales and use tax that is refunded for this transaction if a refund was processed, when such taxes were collected on behalf of the Seller. (That is, related records in US Sales and Tax reports show “tax liable party” == “SELLER”.) |
Section 3: Disbursed amount by instance hours
This section lists data for disbursements by Amazon EC2 instance hours.
Column name | Description |
Product | The title of the product. |
Product Code | The unique identifier for the product. |
Usage Type Description | The description of the usage, including offer type, Region, and instance type. |
Rate | The rate per hour for the offer type, Region, and instance type. |
User Count | The number of unique customers using the offer type, Region, and instance type. |
Instance Hours | The number of hours that the instance consumed for the offer type, Region, and instance type. |
Solution Title | The name of the solution. |
Solution ID | The unique identifier for the solution. |
Section 4: Age of uncollected funds
This section lists data for uncollected funds, organized by the age. Uncollected funds might include amounts that aren't due yet.
Column name | Description |
Uncollected (< 31 days pending) | The total of funds billed but not collected for less than 31 days. |
Uncollected (31–60 days pending) | The total of funds billed but not collected for between 31–60 days. |
Uncollected (61–90 days pending) | The total of funds billed but not collected for between 61–90 days. |
Uncollected (91–120 days pending) | The total of funds billed but not collected for between 91–120 days. |
Uncollected (> 120 days pending) | The total of funds billed but not collected for more than 120 days. |
Uncollected (overall) | The total of all funds billed but not collected. |
Section 5: Age of disbursed funds
This section lists data for collected funds since the previous disbursement.
Column name | Description |
Collected (< 31 days pending) | The total of funds collected that were billed in the 0–31 day range. |
Collected (31–60 days pending) | The total of funds collected that were billed in the 31–60 day range. |
Collected (61–90 days pending) | The total of funds collected that were billed in the 61–90 days range. |
Collected (91–120 days pending) | The total of funds collected that were billed in the 91–120 days range. |
Collected (> 120 days pending) | The total of funds collected that were billed in the greater than 120 days range. |
Collected (overall) | The total of all collected funds. |
Section 6: Age of past due funds
This section lists data for funds that have been accrued and are payable by the customer, but have not been paid in accordance with the customer's agreement with AWS.
Column name | Description |
Past Due (< 31 days) | The total of funds that have accrued in the last 0–31 days and are due but that the customer hasn't paid. |
Past Due (31–60 days) | The total of funds that have accrued in the last 31–60 days and are due but that the customer hasn't paid. |
Past Due (61–90 days) | The total of funds that have accrued in the last 61–90 days that are due but that the customer hasn't paid. |
Past Due (91–120 days) | The total of funds that have accrued in the last 91–120 days and are due but that the customer hasn't paid. |
Past Due (> 120 days) | The total of funds that have accrued in the last 121 or more days and are due but that the customer hasn't paid. |
Past Due (overall) | The total of funds that have accrued and are due but that the customer hasn't paid. |
Section 7: Uncollected funds breakdown
This section lists all uncollected funds, sorted by the payment due date.
Column name | Description |
Payer AWS Account Number | The account that the software charges are billed to. |
Product Code | The unique identifier for the product. |
Gross Revenue | The amount that is billed for using the product or the fees for using the product. |
AWS Revenue Share | The AWS fee amount that is deducted from the billed amount at settlement time. |
Gross Refunds | The total amount of any refunds for the transaction. |
AWS Refunds Share | The portion of the AWS fee that is refunded for the transaction. |
Net Revenue | The net amount that is billed for this transaction, minus AWS fees, refunds, and US sales and use tax. |
Currency | The currency of the transaction. For example, if the transaction is in US dollars, the entry is USD. |
AR Period | The month and year of the transaction, in the format of
Transaction Reference ID | A unique identifier that represents the transaction, which you can use to correlate transactions across AWS Marketplace reports. |
Opportunity Name | The unique identifier for a registered opportunity. |
Opportunity Description | Any metadata in the registered opportunity. |
Solution Title | The name of the solution. |
Solution ID | The unique identifier of the solution. |
Payer Reference ID | A unique identifier that isn't the account ID. It's associated with the account that fees are billed to. It helps with tracking usage, revenue, and subscriptions by customers across all of the AWS Marketplace financial reports. |
Payer Address ID | A unique identifier that represents the customer's address. |
Payment Due date | The payment due date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD . |