Setting up AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights - AWS Marketplace

Setting up AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights

The following procedure describes the high-level steps for setting up AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights on your AWS Marketplace software as a service (SaaS) listing.

To set up AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights on your SaaS listing
  1. Create a security profile.

  2. (Optional) Upload a certification.

  3. Upload a self-assessment.

  4. (Optional) Enable AWS Audit Manager automated assessments.

Create a security profile

A security profile provide your buyers with detailed insight into the security posture of your software product. A security profile uses associated data sources, including self-assessments, certifications, and AWS Audit Manager automated assessments.


You can create a limited number of security profiles. To create more security profiles, request a quota increase. For more information, see AWS service quotas in the AWS General Reference.

To create a security profile
  1. Sign in using an IAM user or role with access to the AWS Marketplace seller account.

  2. Choose Products and select SaaS to navigate to the Saas products page.

  3. Choose a product.

  4. Choose the Vendor Insights tab, and then choose Contact Support for adding security profile.

  5. Complete the form, and then choose Submit.

    The AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team will create the security profile. When the security profile is ready, they will send a notification email message to the recipients identified on the form.

Upload a certification

A certification is a data source that provides evidence of your product’s security posture across multiple dimensions. AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights supports the following certifications:

  • FedRAMP certification – Validates compliance with U.S. government cloud security standards

  • GDPR compliance report – Demonstrates adherence to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, protecting personal data and individuals' rights to privacy

  • HIPAA compliance report – Demonstrates adherence to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, safeguarding protected health information

  • ISO/IEC 27001 audit report – Confirms compliance with International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 27001, emphasizing information security standards

  • PCI DSS audit report – Demonstrates compliance with security standards set by the PCI Security Standards Council

  • SOC 2 Type 2 audit report – Confirms compliance with Service Organizational Control (SOC) data privacy and security controls

To upload a certification
  1. On the Vendor Insights tab, navigate to the Data sources section.

  2. Under Certifications, choose Upload certification.

  3. Under Certification details, provide the requested information and upload the certification.

  4. (Optional) Under Tags, add new tags.


    For information about tags, see Tagging your AWS resources in the Tagging AWS Resources User Guide.

  5. Choose Upload certification.


    The certification is automatically associated with the current security profile. You can also associate certifications that you've already uploaded. On the product detail page, choose Associate certification under Certifications, select a certification from the list, and choose Associate certification.

    After you upload the certification, you can download it using the Download certification button on the product detail page. You can also update the certification details using the Update certification button.

    The certification status changes to ValidationPending until the certification details are validated. An alternate status appears during and after the data source is processed:

    • Available – The data source was uploaded and system validations completed successfully.

    • AccessDenied – The data source's external source reference is no longer accessible for AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights to read.

    • ResourceNotFound – The data source's external source reference is no longer available for VendorInsights to read.

    • ResourceNotSupported – The data source was uploaded but the provided source isn't supported, yet. For details about the validation error, refer to the status message.

    • ValidationPending – The data source was uploaded but system validations are still running. There's no action item for you at this stage. The status is updated to Available, ResourceNotSupported, or ValidationFailed.

    • ValidationFailed – The data source was uploaded, but the system validation failed for one or more reasons. For details about the validation error, refer to the status message.

Upload a self-assessment

A self-assessment is a type of data source that provides evidence of your product’s security posture. AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights supports the following self-assessments:

  • AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights self-assessment

  • Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ). For more information, see What is CAIQ, on the Cloud Security Alliance web site.

To upload a self-assessment
  1. Open the AWS Marketplace console at

  2. On the Vendor Insights tab, navigate to the Data sources section.

  3. Under Self-assessments, choose Upload self-assessment.

  4. Under Self-assessment details, complete the following information:

    1. Name – Enter a name for the self-assessment.

    2. Type – Choose an assessment type from the list.


      If you chose Vendor Insights Security Self-Assessment, then choose Download template to download the self-assessment. Choose Yes, No, or N/A for each answer in the spreadsheet.

  5. To upload the completed assessment, choose Upload self-assessment.

  6. (Optional) Under Tags, add new tags.


    For information about tags, see Tagging your AWS resources in the Tagging AWS Resources User Guide.

  7. Choose Upload self-assessment.


    The self-assessment is automatically associated with the current security profile. You can also associate self-assessments that you've already uploaded. On the product detail page, choose Associate self-assessment under Self-assessments, select a self-assessment from the list, and choose Associate self-assessment.

    After you upload a self-assessment, you can download it using the Download self-assessment button on the product detail page. You can also update the self-assessment details using the Update self-assessment button.

    The status is updated to one of the following:

    • Available – The data source was uploaded and system validations completed successfully.

    • AccessDenied – The data source's external source reference is no longer available for VendorInsights to read.

    • ResourceNotFound – The data source's external source reference is no longer available for VendorInsights to read.

    • ResourceNotSupported – The data source was uploaded but the provided source isn't supported, yet. For details about the validation error, refer to the status message.

    • ValidationPending – The data source was uploaded, but system validations are still running. There's no action item for you at this stage. The status is updated to Available, ResourceNotSupported, or ValidationFailed.

    • ValidationFailed – The data source was uploaded, but the system validation failed for one or more reasons. For details about the validation error, refer to the status message.

Enable AWS Audit Manager automated assessments

AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights uses multiple AWS services to automatically gather evidence for your security profile.

You need the following AWS services and resources for automated assessments:

  • AWS Audit Manager – To simplify AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights setup, we use AWS CloudFormation Stacks and StackSets, which take care of provisioning and configuring the necessary resources. The stack set creates an automated assessment containing controls that are automatically populated by AWS Config.

    For more information about AWS Audit Manager, see the AWS Audit Manager User Guide.

  • AWS Config – The stack set deploys an AWS Config conformance pack to set up the necessary AWS Config rules. These rules allow the Audit Manager automated assessment to gather live evidence for other AWS services deployed in that AWS account. For more information about AWS Config features, see the AWS Config Developer Guide.


    You might notice increased activity in your account during your initial month of recording with AWS Config when compared to subsequent months. During the initial bootstrapping process, AWS Config reviews all the resources in your account that you have selected for AWS Config to record.

    If you run ephemeral workloads, you might see increased activity from AWS Config as it records configuration changes associated with creating and deleting these temporary resources. An ephemeral workload is a temporary use of computing resources that are loaded and run when needed.

    Examples of ephemeral workloads include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) spot instances, Amazon EMR jobs, AWS Auto Scaling, and AWS Lambda. To avoid the increased activity from running ephemeral workloads, you can run these types of workloads in a separate account with AWS Config turned off. This approach avoids increased configuration recording and rule evaluations.

  • Amazon S3 – The stack set creates the following two Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets:

    • vendor-insights-stack-set-output-bucket-{account number} – This bucket contains outputs from the stack set run. The AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team uses the outputs to complete your automated data source creation process.

    • vendor-insights-assessment-reports-bucket-{account number} – AWS Audit Manager publishes assessment reports to this Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about publishing assessment reports, see Assessment reports in the AWS Audit Manager User Guide.

      For more information about Amazon S3 features, see the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • IAM – The onboarding stack set provisions the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles in your account:

    • When the VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT.yml template is deployed, it creates the administrator role AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingStackSetsAdmin and the run role AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingStackSetsExecution. The stack set uses the administrator role to deploy the required stacks into multiple AWS Regions simultaneously. The administrator role assumes the execution role to deploy the necessary parent and nested stacks as part of the AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights setup process. For more information about self-managed permissions, see Grant self-managed permissions in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

    • The AWSVendorInsightsRole role provides AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights with access to read the assessments in AWS Audit Manager resources. AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights displays the evidence found on the assessments on your AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights profile.

    • The AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingDelegationRole provides AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights with access to list and read objects in the vendor-insights-stack-set-output-bucket bucket. This capability allows the AWS Marketplace Catalog Operations team to assist you with setting up an AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights profile.

    • The AWSAuditManagerAdministratorAccess role provides administrative access to enable or disable AWS Audit Manager, update settings, and manage assessments, controls, and frameworks. You or your team can assume this role to take actions for automated assessments in AWS Audit Manager.

To enable AWS Audit Manager automated assessments, you must deploy the onboarding stacks.

Deploy the onboarding stacks

To simplify AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights setup, we use AWS CloudFormation Stacks and StackSets, which take care of provisioning and configuring the necessary resources. If you have a multiple account or multiple AWS Region SaaS solution, StackSets allow you to deploy the onboarding stacks from a central management account.

For more information about CloudFormation StackSets, see Working with AWS CloudFormation StackSets in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights setup requires that you use the following CloudFormation templates:

  • VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT – Sets up the necessary administrator role and permissions to run CloudFormation StackSets in your account. Create this stack in your seller account.

  • VendorInsightsOnboardingCFT – Sets up the required AWS services and configures the appropriate IAM permissions. These permissions allow AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights to gather data for the SaaS product running in your AWS accounts and display the data on your AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights profile. Create this stack in both your seller account and production accounts that are hosting your SaaS solution through StackSets.

Create the VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT stack

By running the VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT CloudFormation stack, you set up IAM permissions to start onboarding stack sets.

To create the VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT stack
  1. Review and download the latest VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT.yml file from the AWS Samples Repo for Vendor Insights templates folder on the GitHub website.

  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your AWS Marketplace seller account, and then open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  3. In the CloudFormation console navigation pane, choose Stacks, and then choose Create stack and With new resources (standard) from the dropdown. (If the navigation pane is not visible, in the upper left corner, select and expand the navigation pane.)

  4. Under Specify template, choose Upload a template file. To upload the VendorInsightsPrerequisiteCFT.yml file that you downloaded, use Choose file. Then choose Next.

  5. Enter a name for the stack, and then choose Next.

  6. (Optional) Configure the stack options as you want.

    Choose Next.

  7. On the Review page, review your choices. To make changes, choose Edit in the area in which you want to change. Before you can create the stack, you must select the acknowledgement check boxes in the Capabilities area.

    Choose Submit.

  8. After the stack is created, choose the Resources tab and make note of the following roles that are created:

    • AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingStackSetsAdmin

    • AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingStackSetsExecution

Create the VendorInsightsOnboardingCFT stack set

By running the VendorInsightsOnboardingCFT CloudFormation stack set, you set up the required AWS services and configure the appropriate IAM permissions. This allows AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights to gather data for the SaaS product running in your AWS account and display it in your AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights profile.

If you have a multiple account solution or if you have separate seller and production accounts, you must deploy this stack across multiple accounts. StackSets allow you to do this from the management account that you created the prerequisites stack on.

The stack set is deployed using self-managed permissions. For more information, see Create a stack set with self-managed permissions in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

To create the VendorInsightsOnboardingCFT stack set
  1. Review and download the latest VendorInsightsOnboardingCFT.yml file from the AWS Samples Repo for Vendor Insights templates folder on the GitHub website.

  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your AWS Marketplace seller account, and then open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  3. In the CloudFormation console navigation pane, choose Create StackSet. (If the navigation pane is not visible, in the upper left corner, select and expand the navigation pane.)

  4. Under Permissions, for the administrator role choose IAM role name, and then choose AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingStackSetsAdmin for the role name from the dropdown.

  5. Enter AWSVendorInsightsOnboardingStackSetsExecution as the IAM execution role name.

  6. Under Specify template, choose Upload a template file. To upload the VendorInsightsOnboardingCFT.yml file that you downloaded, use Choose file and then choose Next.

  7. Provide the following StackSet parameters, and then choose Next.

    • CreateVendorInsightsAutomatedAssessment – This parameter sets up the AWS Audit Manager automated assessment in your AWS account. If you have separate management and production accounts, this option should only be selected for production accounts and not for the management account.

    • CreateVendorInsightsIAMRoles – This parameter provisions an IAM role that allows AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights to read the assessment data in your AWS account.

    • PrimaryRegion – This parameter sets the primary AWS Region for your SaaS deployment. This is the Region where the S3 bucket is created in your AWS account. If your SaaS product is deployed to only one Region, that Region is the primary Region.

  8. Configure the StackSet options as you want. Keep the Execution configuration as Inactive, and then choose Next.

  9. Configure the deployment options. If you have a multiple account solution, you can configure the stack set to deploy across multiple accounts and Regions as a single operation. Choose Next.


    If you have a multiple account solution, we do not recommend deploying to all accounts as a single stack set. Pay close attention to the parameters defined in step 7. You might want to enable or disable some parameters, depending on the type of accounts that you're deploying to. StackSets apply the same parameters to all specified accounts in a single deployment. You can reduce deployment time by grouping accounts in a stack set, but you still need to deploy multiple times for a multiple account solution.


    If you're deploying to multiple Regions, the first Region that you list must be the PrimaryRegion. Leave the Region Concurrency option as the default setting of Sequential.

  10. On the Review page, review your choices. To make changes, choose Edit in the area in which you want to change. Before you can create the stack set, you must select the acknowledgement check box in the Capabilities area.

    Choose Submit.

    The stack set takes about 5 minutes per Region to complete.