Container and DRM system support with SPEKE - MediaConvert

Container and DRM system support with SPEKE

MediaConvert supports both SPEKE Version 1.0 and SPEKE Version 2.0. For more information, see the SPEKE partner and customer guide.

SPEKE v1.0 Supported containers and DRM systems

The following table lists the different containers and digital rights management (DRM) systems that SPEKE Version 1.0 supports.

SPEKE v1.0 DRM support
Output group type Apple Fairplay Google Widevine Microsoft PlayReady
DASH Not supported Supported Supported
Apple HLS Supported Not supported Not supported
Microsoft Smooth Not supported Not supported Supported
CMAF DASH and CMAF HLS Supported Supported Supported

SPEKE v2.0 Supported containers and DRM systems

The following table lists the different containers and digital rights management (DRM) systems that SPEKE Version 2.0 supports.

SPEKE v2.0 DRM support
Output group type Apple Fairplay Google Widevine Microsoft PlayReady
DASH Not supported Supported Supported
Apple HLS Supported (Sample-AES) Supported Supported
Microsoft Smooth Not supported Not supported Not supported
CMAF DASH and CMAF HLS Supported (CBCS) Supported (CBCS and CENC) Supported (CBCS and CENC)

Supported DRM system IDs

The following table lists the different DRM system IDs that MediaConvert supports.

System IDs – Support matrix for DRM system Apple FairPlay Google Widevine Microsoft PlayReady
System ID 94ce86fb-07ff-4f43-adb8-93d2fa968ca2 edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed 9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95