Setting priority for hopped jobs
When you set up a job for queue hopping, you can specify the priority for the job
in the new queue. If you don't specify a new priority, the job keeps the priority
number from its submission queue.
If you use different guidelines for choosing the values for priority
between the two queues, make sure to specify a new priority value for the job in the
destination queue.
For information about setting the job's priority within the submission queue, see
Setting job priority.
The following tabs provide different options for setting the priority of a hopped
- Console
To set the priority of a hopped job in the MediaConvert
Open the Create job page
in the MediaConvert console.
Choose Job management from the
Job settings menu.
Enable Queue hopping.
Enter the Job priority for when your job
hops to its destination queue.
Enter both Wait minutes and
Destination queue. For more
information, see Moving a job to a different queue.
- API, SDK, or the AWS CLI
You can set up a hopped jobs new priority by using the API, SDK, or
the AWS CLI. To set it up, configure Priority
. This property is a direct child of
, which is in the top level of the JSON job
The following is an excerpt of a job settings JSON that sets a hopped
job's priority to 25.
"Settings": {
"OutputGroups": [...],
"Inputs": [...]
"HopDestinations": [
"WaitMinutes": 10,
"Queue": "arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-west-2:111122223333:queues/ondemandqueue",
"Priority": 25
For more information, see the MediaConvert API Reference.