Updating queues
You can update an existing queue to change its Name,
Concurrent jobs, or Status.
Use Description to help keep details about your queues.
Use Concurrent jobs to specify the maximum number of jobs
your queue can process concurrently.
Use Status to manage whether a queue is Active or
Paused. New queues default to an
Active status and are available to process jobs
immediately. You can optionally Pause a queue to stop
processing any additional jobs. When you pause jobs, MediaConvert finishes
processing jobs that are already running. If you submit a job to a paused queue, its
status will remain in SUBMITTED
until you change the queue's status
back to Active or cancel the job.
The following tabs show how to change the status of an on-demand queue.
- Console
To update an on-demand queue by using the MediaConvert console:
Open the Queues page in
the MediaConvert console.
In the On-demand queues section, select
the queue.
Choose Edit queue.
Change the Description, Concurrent jobs, or
Status of your queue.
Choose Save queue.
The following update-queue
example pauses an active
on-demand queue.
aws mediaconvert update-queue \
--name Queue1
--status PAUSED
The following update-queue
example activates a paused
on-demand queue.
aws mediaconvert update-queue \
--name Queue1
--status ACTIVE
The following update-queue
example changes the number of
Concurrent jobs for an on-demand queue.
aws mediaconvert update-queue \
--name Queue1
--concurrentJobs 250
For more information about how to change the status of an on-demand queue by using the
AWS CLI, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.