Setting up automatic input failover with RTMP and RTP inputs - MediaLive

Setting up automatic input failover with RTMP and RTP inputs

To use RTMP push inputs and RTP inputs with automatic input failover, you must make sure that the upstream system provides sources in the correct way, and you must set up the inputs and the channels in a specific way.


The information in this section assumes that you are familiar with the general steps for creating an input and creating a channel.

To plan the inputs for the input failover pair
  1. Arrange with your upstream system for them to provide you with the appropriate number of sources for the content:

    • If you are setting up automatic input failover in a single-input channel, you need two sources—one for each input.

    • If you are setting up automatic input failover in a standard channel, you need four sources—two for each input.

  2. Make sure that the upstream system sets up the paths correctly. The first input must have a different network path to MediaLive, compared to the second input. MediaLive can't enforce this rule, but the point of automatic input failover is that the sources arrive via different paths. If they don't, then when the route fails, both inputs will fail, and you will not have achieved resiliency.

  3. Make sure that the input type for the sources is the same. For example, two RTMP inputs.

  4. Make sure that all the sources contain exactly identical video, audio, captions, and metadata.

To create the inputs for the input failover pair
  1. Follow the procedure in Working with inputs to create one input of the appropriate type. For example, one RTMP input.

    • In a standard channel, set up the input with two sources.

    • In a single-pipeline channel, set up the input with one source.

    • Give the input a name such as primary input.

  2. Create a second input of the same type. Create the input in the same way as in Step 1.

    Give the input a name such as secondary input.

To attach the inputs to the channel
  1. In the Input attachments section of the Create channel page, follow the usual procedure to attach the primary input. Ignore the Automatic input failover settings for now.

  2. Follow the same procedure to attach the secondary input.

  3. In the Input attachments section, in the list of input attachments, choose the first input you attached.

  4. In the Automatic input failover settings section, choose Enable automatic input failover settings. As soon as you enable this field, this input is labeled as Primary in the list of input attachments.

  5. For Secondary input, choose the secondary input. (When you do this, this input is labeled as Secondary in the list of attachments.)

  6. For Input preference, choose the desired option. This field controls the behavior when MediaLive has switched over to the secondary input and then the primary input becomes healthy again.

    • EQUAL_INPUT_PREFERENCE – MediaLive remains on the secondary input. The primary input continues to be processed, but it is not active.

    • PRIMARY_INPUT_PREFERENCE – MediaLive switches back to the primary input. The primary input becomes the active input.

  7. For Failover conditions, enable the conditions that you want MediaLive to use to identify input loss. The fields include help that describes how the conditions work.