Setting up the output
To set up an audio-only output in a MediaLive channel, you must verify that the output groups you want to create can include audio-only encodes, then you must set up the outputs in a specific way.
Setting up output groups
You can create an audio-only output in the following types of output groups.
HLS that contains a transport stream
Microsoft Smooth
Setting up outputs
The following list describes the number and type of required outputs, based on the output group.
HLS output group
Create outputs in the output group as follows:
If the output group contains only one audio encode, then create one output. Set the container type to Audio-only.
If the output group contains more than one audio encode, then set up an audio rendition group that doesn't include video. See Audio rendition groups for HLS.
Microsoft Smooth output group
Create one output for each audio encode.
RTMP output groups
Create one output for the single audio encode. (RTMP always supports only one audio in each output group.)
UDP output groups
Create one output for all the audio encodes.