Preparing the upstream and downstream systems in a workflow - MediaLive

Preparing the upstream and downstream systems in a workflow


This procedure describes planning the workflow starting from the output and then working back to the input. This is the most effective way to plan a workflow.

To plan the workflow
  1. Identify the output groups that you need to produce, based on the systems that are downstream of MediaLive. See Step 1: Identify the output group types for the downstream system.

  2. Identify the requirements for the video and audio encodes that you will include in each output group. See Step 2: Identify the encode requirements for the output groups.

  3. Decide on the channel class—decide if you want to create a standard channel that supports redundancy or a single-pipeline channel that doesn't support redundancy. See Step 3: Identify resiliency requirements.

  4. Assess the source content to make sure it's compatible with MediaLive and with the outputs that you need to create. For example, make sure that the source content has a video codec that MediaLive supports. See Step 4: Assess the upstream system .

    After you have performed these four steps, you know whether MediaLive can handle your transcoding request.

  5. Collect identifiers for the source content. For example, ask the operator at the upstream system for the identifiers for the different audio languages that you want to extract from the content. See Step 5: Collect information about the source content.

  6. Coordinate with the downstream system or systems to provide a destination for the output groups that MediaLive will produce. See Step 6: Coordinate with downstream systems.