Organize encodes in a CMAF Ingest output group - MediaLive

Organize encodes in a CMAF Ingest output group

A CMAF Ingest output group contains the following:

  • One or more outputs.

  • One or more video encodes. Typically, there are multiple video encodes.

  • Zero or more audio encodes. Typically, there are multiple audio encodes.

  • Zero or more captions encodes. Typically, there are caption languages to match the audio languages. The captions are sidecar captions.

This diagram illustrates a CMAF Ingest output group when the captions are embedded in the video. Each video encode is in a separate output. The captions are in each video output. Each audio encode is in a separate output.

Output group diagram showing four outputs: two labeled "V embedded" and two labeled "A".

This diagram illustrates a CMAF Ingest output group when the captions are sidecar captions. Each encode is in its own output.

Output group diagram showing six outputs: two V, two A, and two C, representing video, audio, and captions.