Pricing in MediaLive - MediaLive

Pricing in MediaLive

As with other AWS products, there are no contracts or minimum commitments for using AWS Elemental MediaLive.

This section provides very general information about pricing. For detailed information, see

There are charges for MediaLive based on the state of resources. There are idle charges and running charges.


  • A channel is either running or not running.

    It is not running if any of the following situations applies:

    • It has not been started

    • It was running but has failed and has not yet automatically restarted.

    • It was running but has been stopped for maintenance and has not yet automatically restarted.

  • An input is idle or running.

    It is idle if either of the following situations applies:

    • It isn't attached to a channel

    • It is attached to a channel but the channel is not running.

Idle Charges

  • There is an idle channel charge for each channel that isn't running. There isn't a channel charge for a running channel. The charges are for the inputs and outputs in the channel.

  • There is an idle push input charge for each push input that isn't attached to a channel, and for each push input that is attached to a channel that isn't running.

  • There is no charge for idle pull inputs.

Running Charges

  • There is no channel charge for a running channel. There are charges for the inputs and outputs in the channel.

  • There is a running output charge for each output that is configured in a channel that is running. The charge applies even if the output has been paused by the user or by Elemental Live.

    The charge for each output is based on the type of output, and on a combination of key video characteristics of the output, such as video output codec, and video frame rate. You specify the characteristics in the video settings of each output in the channel. For more information, see Set up the video encode.

  • There is a running input charge for each input that is attached to a channel that is running. The charge applies to both push and pull inputs. It applies even to the inputs in the channel that aren't currently active or that aren't receiving any content.

    The input pricing is based on the type of input, and on a combination of key characteristics of the input, such as input codec, bitrate, and resolution. For detailed information about the basis for input pricing, see You specify some of these characteristics in the input specification when you create the channel. For more information, see Input specifications settings.

  • There is an add-on charge for running channels that have specific features enabled. The charge applies to the channel, not to individual inputs, outputs, or other components within the channel. For example, the add-on charge for Advanced Audio is applied at the same rate for a running channel with one output that uses advanced audio as it is for a running channel with three outputs that use advanced audio. For a list of add-on charges, see