Viewing the schedule (AWS CLI) - MediaLive

Viewing the schedule (AWS CLI)

You can use the AWS CLI to view a list of the actions that are currently in the schedule for one channel:

  • Actions that have not yet been performed in the channel

  • Actions that have previously been performed

To view the schedule, use the DescribeSchedule command. This command is represented differently in different interfaces:

  • In the AWS CLI, the command is describe-schedule.

  • In the API, the command is represented by an HTTP GET on channels/channelId/schedule.

  • In the AWS SDKs, the command is represented by constructs that are suitable to that SDK language.

To view actions (AWS CLI)
  1. Enter this command:

    aws medialive describe-schedule --channel-id value --max-results value

  2. To submit the command, press Enter. The response appears on the screen.

  3. If you used the -max-results option and the response included NextToken, enter the DescribeChannel command and pass the value of NextToken in --next-token. For example:

    aws medialive describe-schedule --channel-id value --next-token 3jhrprd0

  4. To submit the command, press Enter. The response appears on the screen.


The JSON body of the command response is similar to that of the BatchUpdateSchedule command request.

This example of a response shows the following actions:

  • An action with the ActionName corporate-logo-029 to activate an image overlay in layer 1 at 20:30:00 UTC

  • An action with the ActionName stop-overlay-029 to deactivate the overlay in layer 1 at 20:42:04 UTC

  • An action with the ActionName adavail-3708 to insert a splice_insert at the same time as the deactivate action

  • An action with the ActionName end-adavail-3708 to return-to-network 15 seconds later, at 20:42:19 UTC

  • An action with the ActionName corporate-logo-030 to reactivate the same overlay in layer 1 at the same time as the return

This schedule describes a workflow where you generally show your corporate logo, but you remove it at the start of each ad avail and then display it again at the end of the ad avail.

{ "NextToken": "3jhrprd0", "ScheduleActions": [ { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:30:00.000Z" } }, "ActionName": "corporate-logo-029", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "StaticImageActivateSettings": { "Image": { "PasswordParam": "corplogo!2312", "Uri": "s3ssl://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/logos/corporate/high-res.bmp", "Username": "medialiveoperator" }, "ImageY": 300, "FadeIn": 1500, "ImageX": 200, "Width": 800, "Opacity": 60, "Layer": 1, "Height": 900 } } }, { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:42:04.000Z" } }, "ActionName": " stop-overlay-029", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "StaticImageDeactivateSettings": { "FadeOut": 1500, "Layer": 1 } } }, { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:42:04.000Z" } }, "ActionName": "adavail-3708", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "Scte35SpliceInsertSettings": { "SpliceEventId": 3708, "Duration": 1350000 } } }, { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:42:19.000Z" } }, "ActionName": "end-adavail-3708", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "Scte35ReturnToNetworkSettings": { "SpliceEventId": 3708 } } }, { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:42:19.000Z" } }, "ActionName": "corporate-logo-030", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "StaticImageActivateSettings": { "Image": { "PasswordParam": "corplogo!2312", "Uri": "s3ssl://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/logos/corporate/high-res.bmp", "Username": "medialiveoperator" }, "ImageY": 300, "FadeIn": 1500, "ImageX": 200, "Width": 800, "Opacity": 60, "Layer": 1, "Height": 900 } } } ] }