ScteHls - AWS Elemental MediaPackage V2 Live API


The SCTE configuration.



Ad markers indicate when ads should be inserted during playback. If you include ad markers in the content stream in your upstream encoders, then you need to inform MediaPackage what to do with the ad markers in the output. Choose what you want MediaPackage to do with the ad markers.

Value description:

  • DATERANGE - Insert EXT-X-DATERANGE tags to signal ad and program transition events in TS and CMAF manifests. If you use DATERANGE, you must set a programDateTimeIntervalSeconds value of 1 or higher. To learn more about DATERANGE, see SCTE-35 Ad Marker EXT-X-DATERANGE.

Type: String

Valid Values: DATERANGE

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: