Amazon MSK metrics for monitoring Standard brokers with CloudWatch - Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Amazon MSK metrics for monitoring Standard brokers with CloudWatch

Amazon MSK integrates with Amazon CloudWatch so that you can collect, view, and analyze CloudWatch metrics for your MSK Standard brokers. The metrics that you configure for your MSK Provisioned clusters are automatically collected and pushed to CloudWatch at 1 minute intervals. You can set the monitoring level for an MSK Provisioned cluster to one of the following: DEFAULT, PER_BROKER, PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER, or PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION. The tables in the following sections show all the metrics that are available starting at each monitoring level.


The names of some Amazon MSK metrics for CloudWatch monitoring have changed in version 3.6.0 and higher. Use the new names for monitoring these metrics. For metrics with changed names, the table below shows the name used in version 3.6.0 and higher, followed by the name in version 2.8.2.tiered.

DEFAULT-level metrics are free. Pricing for other metrics is described in the Amazon CloudWatch pricing page.

DEFAULT Level monitoring

The metrics described in the following table are available at the DEFAULT monitoring level. They are free.

Metrics available at the DEFAULT monitoring level
Name When visible Dimensions Description
ActiveControllerCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name Only one controller per cluster should be active at any given time.

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Cluster Name , Broker ID

The remaining balance of input-output burst credits for EBS volumes in the cluster. Use it to investigate latency or decreased throughput.

BurstBalance is not reported for EBS volumes when the baseline performance of a volume is higher than the maximum burst performance. For more information, see I/O Credits and burst performance.

BytesInPerSec After you create a topic. Cluster Name, Broker ID, Topic The number of bytes per second received from clients. This metric is available per broker and also per topic.
BytesOutPerSec After you create a topic. Cluster Name, Broker ID, Topic The number of bytes per second sent to clients. This metric is available per broker and also per topic.
ClientConnectionCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID, Client Authentication The number of active authenticated client connections.
ConnectionCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Cluster Name, Broker ID

The number of active authenticated, unauthenticated, and inter-broker connections.

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Cluster Name, Broker ID

The number of earned CPU credits that a broker has accrued since it was launched. Credits are accrued in the credit balance after they are earned, and removed from the credit balance when they are spent. If you run out of the CPU credit balance, it can have a negative impact on your cluster's performance. You can take steps to reduce CPU load. For example, you can reduce the number of client requests or update the broker type to an M5 broker type.

CpuIdle After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of CPU idle time.
CpuIoWait After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of CPU idle time during a pending disk operation.
CpuSystem After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of CPU in kernel space.
CpuUser After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of CPU in user space.
GlobalPartitionCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name The number of partitions across all topics in the cluster, excluding replicas. Because GlobalPartitionCount doesn't include replicas, the sum of the PartitionCount values can be higher than GlobalPartitionCount if the replication factor for a topic is greater than 1.
GlobalTopicCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name Total number of topics across all brokers in the cluster.
EstimatedMaxTimeLag After consumer group consumes from a topic. Consumer Group, Topic Time estimate (in seconds) to drain MaxOffsetLag.
KafkaAppLogsDiskUsed After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of disk space used for application logs.
KafkaDataLogsDiskUsed (Cluster Name, Broker ID dimension) After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of disk space used for data logs.
KafkaDataLogsDiskUsed (Cluster Name dimension) After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name The percentage of disk space used for data logs.
LeaderCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The total number of leaders of partitions per broker, not including replicas.
MaxOffsetLag After consumer group consumes from a topic. Consumer Group, Topic The maximum offset lag across all partitions in a topic.
MemoryBuffered After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The size in bytes of buffered memory for the broker.
MemoryCached After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The size in bytes of cached memory for the broker.
MemoryFree After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The size in bytes of memory that is free and available for the broker.

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Cluster Name, Broker ID

The percentage of total heap memory in use after garbage collection.
MemoryUsed After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The size in bytes of memory that is in use for the broker.
MessagesInPerSec After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of incoming messages per second for the broker.
NetworkRxDropped After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of dropped receive packages.
NetworkRxErrors After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of network receive errors for the broker.
NetworkRxPackets After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of packets received by the broker.
NetworkTxDropped After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of dropped transmit packages.
NetworkTxErrors After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of network transmit errors for the broker.
NetworkTxPackets After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of packets transmitted by the broker.
OfflinePartitionsCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name Total number of partitions that are offline in the cluster.
PartitionCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The total number of topic partitions per broker, including replicas.
ProduceTotalTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The mean produce time in milliseconds.
RequestBytesMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The mean number of request bytes for the broker.
RequestTime After request throttling is applied. Cluster Name, Broker ID The average time in milliseconds spent in broker network and I/O threads to process requests.
RootDiskUsed After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The percentage of the root disk used by the broker.
SumOffsetLag After consumer group consumes from a topic. Consumer Group, Topic The aggregated offset lag for all the partitions in a topic.
SwapFree After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The size in bytes of swap memory that is available for the broker.
SwapUsed After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The size in bytes of swap memory that is in use for the broker.

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Cluster Name, Broker ID

High-level metrics indicating the number of packets shaped (dropped or queued) due to exceeding network allocations. Finer detail is available with PER_BROKER metrics.

UnderMinIsrPartitionCount After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of under minIsr partitions for the broker.
UnderReplicatedPartitions After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID The number of under-replicated partitions for the broker.
UserPartitionExists After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID A Boolean metric that indicates the presence of a user-owned partition on a broker. A value of 1 indicates the presence of partitions on the broker.
ZooKeeperRequestLatencyMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID For ZooKeeper-based cluster. The mean latency in milliseconds for Apache ZooKeeper requests from broker.
ZooKeeperSessionState After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. Cluster Name, Broker ID For ZooKeeper-based cluster. Connection status of broker's ZooKeeper session which may be one of the following: NOT_CONNECTED: '0.0', ASSOCIATING: '0.1', CONNECTING: '0.5', CONNECTEDREADONLY: '0.8', CONNECTED: '1.0', CLOSED: '5.0', AUTH_FAILED: '10.0'.

PER_BROKER Level monitoring

When you set the monitoring level to PER_BROKER, you get the metrics described in the following table in addition to all the DEFAULT level metrics. You pay for the metrics in the following table, whereas the DEFAULT level metrics continue to be free. The metrics in this table have the following dimensions: Cluster Name, Broker ID.

Additional metrics that are available starting at the PER_BROKER monitoring level
Name When visible Description
BwInAllowanceExceeded After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of packets shaped because the inbound aggregate bandwidth exceeded the maximum for the broker.

BwOutAllowanceExceeded After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of packets shaped because the outbound aggregate bandwidth exceeded the maximum for the broker.

ConntrackAllowanceExceeded After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of packets shaped because the connection tracking exceeded the maximum for the broker. Connection tracking is related to security groups that track each connection established to ensure that return packets are delivered as expected.

ConnectionCloseRate After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of connections closed per second per listener. This number is aggregated per listener and filtered for the client listeners.

ConnectionCreationRate After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of new connections established per second per listener. This number is aggregated per listener and filtered for the client listeners.

CpuCreditUsage After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of CPU credits spent by the broker. If you run out of the CPU credit balance, it can have a negative impact on your cluter's performance. You can take steps to reduce CPU load. For example, you can reduce the number of client requests or update the broker type to an M5 broker type.

FetchConsumerLocalTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds that the consumer request is processed at the leader.
FetchConsumerRequestQueueTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds that the consumer request waits in the request queue.
FetchConsumerResponseQueueTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds that the consumer request waits in the response queue.
FetchConsumerResponseSendTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds for the consumer to send a response.
FetchConsumerTotalTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean total time in milliseconds that consumers spend on fetching data from the broker.
FetchFollowerLocalTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds that the follower request is processed at the leader.
FetchFollowerRequestQueueTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds that the follower request waits in the request queue.
FetchFollowerResponseQueueTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds that the follower request waits in the response queue.
FetchFollowerResponseSendTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean time in milliseconds for the follower to send a response.
FetchFollowerTotalTimeMsMean After there's a producer/consumer. The mean total time in milliseconds that followers spend on fetching data from the broker.
FetchMessageConversionsPerSec After you create a topic. The number of fetch message conversions per second for the broker.
FetchThrottleByteRate After bandwidth throttling is applied. The number of throttled bytes per second.
FetchThrottleQueueSize After bandwidth throttling is applied. The number of messages in the throttle queue.
FetchThrottleTime After bandwidth throttling is applied. The average fetch throttle time in milliseconds.
IAMNumberOfConnectionRequests After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The number of IAM authentication requests per second.
IAMTooManyConnections After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The number of connections attempted beyond 100. 0 means the number of connections is within the limit. If >0, the throttle limit is being exceeded and you need to reduce number of connections.
NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The average percentage of the time the network processors are idle.
PpsAllowanceExceeded After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of packets shaped because the bidirectional PPS exceeded the maximum for the broker.

ProduceLocalTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The mean time in milliseconds that the request is processed at the leader.
ProduceMessageConversionsPerSec After you create a topic. The number of produce message conversions per second for the broker.
ProduceMessageConversionsTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The mean time in milliseconds spent on message format conversions.
ProduceRequestQueueTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The mean time in milliseconds that request messages spend in the queue.
ProduceResponseQueueTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The mean time in milliseconds that response messages spend in the queue.
ProduceResponseSendTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The mean time in milliseconds spent on sending response messages.
ProduceThrottleByteRate After bandwidth throttling is applied. The number of throttled bytes per second.
ProduceThrottleQueueSize After bandwidth throttling is applied. The number of messages in the throttle queue.
ProduceThrottleTime After bandwidth throttling is applied. The average produce throttle time in milliseconds.
ProduceTotalTimeMsMean After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The mean produce time in milliseconds.

RemoteFetchBytesPerSec (RemoteBytesInPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered)

After there’s a producer/consumer.

The total number of bytes transferred from tiered storage in response to consumer fetches. This metric includes all topic-partitions that contribute to downstream data transfer traffic. Category: Traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.

RemoteCopyBytesPerSec (RemoteBytesOutPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered)

After there’s a producer/consumer.

The total number of bytes transferred to tiered storage, including data from log segments, indexes, and other auxiliary files. This metric includes all topic-partitions that contribute to upstream data transfer traffic. Category: Traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.


After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The average percentage of time the remote log manager spent idle. The remote log manager transfers data from the broker to tiered storage. Category: Internal activity. This is a KIP-405 metric.

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The average percentage of time the remote log reader spent idle. The remote log reader transfers data from the remote storage to the broker in response to consumer fetches. Category: Internal activity. This is a KIP-405 metric.

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of tasks responsible for reads from tiered storage that are waiting to be scheduled. Category: Internal activity. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteFetchErrorsPerSec (RemoteReadErrorPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered)

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The total rate of errors in response to read requests that the specified broker sent to tiered storage to retrieve data in response to consumer fetches. This metric includes all topic partitions that contribute to downstream data transfer traffic. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteFetchRequestsPerSec (RemoteReadRequestsPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered)

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The total number of read requests that the specifies broker sent to tiered storage to retrieve data in response to consumer fetches. This metric includes all topic partitions which contribute to downstream data transfer traffic. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteCopyErrorsPerSec (RemoteWriteErrorPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered)

After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The total rate of errors in response to write requests that the specified broker sent to tiered storage to transfer data upstream. This metric includes all topic partitions that contribute to upstream data transfer traffic. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteLogSizeBytes After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of bytes stored on the remote tier.

This metric is available for tiered storage clusters from Apache Kafka version 3.7.x on Amazon MSK.

ReplicationBytesInPerSec After you create a topic. The number of bytes per second received from other brokers.
ReplicationBytesOutPerSec After you create a topic. The number of bytes per second sent to other brokers.
RequestExemptFromThrottleTime After request throttling is applied. The average time in milliseconds spent in broker network and I/O threads to process requests that are exempt from throttling.
RequestHandlerAvgIdlePercent After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. The average percentage of the time the request handler threads are idle.
RequestThrottleQueueSize After request throttling is applied. The number of messages in the throttle queue.
RequestThrottleTime After request throttling is applied. The average request throttle time in milliseconds.
TcpConnections After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Shows number of incoming and outgoing TCP segments with the SYN flag set.

RemoteCopyLagBytes (TotalTierBytesLag in v2.8.2.tiered) After you create a topic. The total number of bytes of the data that is eligible for tiering on the broker but has not been transferred to tiered storage yet. This metrics show the efficiency of upstream data transfer. As the lag increases, the amount of data that doesn't persist in tiered storage increases. Category: Archive lag. This is a not a KIP-405 metric.
TrafficBytes After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

Shows network traffic in overall bytes between clients (producers and consumers) and brokers. Traffic between brokers isn't reported.

VolumeQueueLength After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of read and write operation requests waiting to be completed in a specified time period.

VolumeReadBytes After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of bytes read in a specified time period.

VolumeReadOps After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of read operations in a specified time period.

VolumeTotalReadTime After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The total number of seconds spent by all read operations that completed in a specified time period.

VolumeTotalWriteTime After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The total number of seconds spent by all write operations that completed in a specified time period.

VolumeWriteBytes After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of bytes written in a specified time period.

VolumeWriteOps After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state.

The number of write operations in a specified time period.

PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER Level monitoring

When you set the monitoring level to PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER, you get the metrics described in the following table, in addition to all the metrics from the PER_BROKER and DEFAULT levels. Only the DEFAULT level metrics are free. The metrics in this table have the following dimensions: Cluster Name, Broker ID, Topic.


For an Amazon MSK cluster that uses Apache Kafka 2.4.1 or a newer version, the metrics in the following table appear only after their values become nonzero for the first time. For example, to see BytesInPerSec, one or more producers must first send data to the cluster.

Additional metrics that are available starting at the PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER monitoring level
Name When visible Description
FetchMessageConversionsPerSec After you create a topic. The number of fetched messages converted per second.
MessagesInPerSec After you create a topic. The number of messages received per second.
ProduceMessageConversionsPerSec After you create a topic. The number of conversions per second for produced messages.
RemoteFetchBytesPerSec (RemoteBytesInPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered)

After you create a topic and the topic is producing/consuming.

The number of bytes transferred from tiered storage in response to consumer fetches for the specified topic and broker. This metric includes all partitions from the topic that contribute to downstream data transfer traffic on the specified broker. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.

RemoteCopyBytesPerSec (RemoteBytesOutPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered) After you create a topic and the topic is producing/consuming.

The number of bytes transferred to tiered storage, for the specified topic and broker. This metric includes all partitions from the topic that contribute to upstream data transfer traffic on the specified broker. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.

RemoteFetchErrorsPerSec (RemoteReadErrorPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered) After you create a topic and the topic is producing/consuming. The rate of errors in response to read requests that the specified broker sends to tiered storage to retrieve data in response to consumer fetches on the specified topic. This metric includes all partitions from the topic that contribute to downstream data transfer traffic on the specified broker. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteFetchRequestsPerSec (RemoteReadRequestsPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered) After you create a topic and the topic is producing/consuming. The number of read requests that the specifies broker sends to tiered storage to retrieve data in response to consumer fetches on the specified topic. This metric includes all partitions from the topic that contribute to downstream data transfer traffic on the specified broker. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteCopyErrorsPerSec (RemoteWriteErrorPerSec in v2.8.2.tiered) After you create a topic and the topic is producing/consuming. The rate of errors in response to write requests that the specified broker sends to tiered storage to transfer data upstream. This metric includes all partitions from the topic that contribute to upstream data transfer traffic on the specified broker. Category: traffic and error rates. This is a KIP-405 metric.
RemoteLogSizeBytes After you create a topic.

The number of bytes stored on the remote tier.

This metric is available for tiered storage clusters from Apache Kafka version 3.7.x on Amazon MSK.


When you set the monitoring level to PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION, you get the metrics described in the following table, in addition to all the metrics from the PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER, PER_BROKER, and DEFAULT levels. Only the DEFAULT level metrics are free. The metrics in this table have the following dimensions: Consumer Group, Topic, Partition.

Additional metrics that are available starting at the PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION monitoring level
Name When visible Description
EstimatedTimeLag After consumer group consumes from a topic. Time estimate (in seconds) to drain the partition offset lag.
OffsetLag After consumer group consumes from a topic. Partition-level consumer lag in number of offsets.