Monitoring MSK Connect - Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Monitoring MSK Connect

Monitoring is an important part of maintaining the reliability, availability, and performance of MSK Connect and your other AWS solutions. Amazon CloudWatch monitors your AWS resources and the applications that you run on AWS in real time. You can collect and track metrics, create customized dashboards, and set alarms that notify you or take actions when a specified metric reaches a threshold that you specify. For example, you can have CloudWatch track CPU usage or other metrics of your connector, so that you can increase its capacity if needed. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

The following table shows the metrics that MSK Connect sends to CloudWatch under the ConnectorName dimension. MSK Connect delivers these metrics by default and at no additional cost. CloudWatch keeps these metrics for 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your connectors are performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

MSK Connect metrics
Metric name Description
BytesInPerSec The total number of bytes received by the connector.
BytesOutPerSec The total number of bytes delivered by the connector.
CpuUtilization The percentage of CPU consumption by system and user.
ErroredTaskCount The number of tasks that have errored out.
MemoryUtilization The percentage of the total memory on a worker instance, not just the Java virtual machine (JVM) heap memory currently in use. JVM doesn't typically release memory back to the operational system. So, JVM heap size (MemoryUtilization) usually starts with a minimum heap size that incrementally increases to a stable maximum of about 80-90%. JVM heap usage might increase or decrease as the connector's actual memory usage changes.
RebalanceCompletedTotal The total number of rebalances completed by this connector.
RebalanceTimeAvg The average time in milliseconds spent by the connector on rebalancing.
RebalanceTimeMax The maximum time in milliseconds spent by the connector on rebalancing.

The time in milliseconds since this connector completed the most recent rebalance.

RunningTaskCount The running number of tasks in the connector.
SinkRecordReadRate The average per-second number of records read from the Apache Kafka or Amazon MSK cluster.
SinkRecordSendRate The average per-second number of records that are output from the transformations and sent to the destination. This number doesn't include filtered records.
SourceRecordPollRate The average per-second number of records produced or polled.
SourceRecordWriteRate The average per-second number of records output from the transformations and written to the Apache Kafka or Amazon MSK cluster.
TaskStartupAttemptsTotal The total number of task startups that the connector has attempted. You can use this metric to identify anomalies in task startup attempts.
TaskStartupSuccessPercentage The average percentage of successful task starts for the connector. You can use this metric to identify anomalies in task startup attempts.
WorkerCount The number of workers that are running in the connector.