Tutorial: Externalizing sensitive information using config providers - Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Tutorial: Externalizing sensitive information using config providers

This example shows how to externalize sensitive information for Amazon MSK Connect using an open source configuration provider. A configuration providers lets you specify variables instead of plaintext in a connector or worker configuration, and workers running in your connector resolve these variables at runtime. This prevents credentials and other secrets from being stored in plaintext. The configuration provider in the example supports retrieving configuration parameters from AWS Secrets Manager, Amazon S3 and Systems Manager (SSM). In Step 2, you can see how to set up storage and retrieval of sensitive information for the service that you want to configure.


Consider the following while using the MSK config provider with Amazon MSK Connect:

  • Assign appropriate permissions when using the config providers to the IAM Service Execution Role.

  • Define the config providers in worker configurations and their implementation in the connector configuration.

  • Sensitive configuration values can appear in connector logs if a plugin does not define those values as secret. Kafka Connect treats undefined configuration values the same as any other plaintext value. To learn more, see Preventing secrets from appearing in connector logs.

  • By default, MSK Connect frequently restarts a connector when the connector uses a configuration provider. To turn off this restart behavior, you can set the config.action.reload value to none in your connector configuration.

Create a custom plugin and upload to S3

To create a custom-plugin, create a zip file that contains the connector and the msk-config-provider by running the following commands on your local machine.

To create a custom plugin using a terminal window and Debezium as the connector

Use the AWS CLI to run commands as a superuser with credentials that allow you to access your AWS S3 bucket. For information on installing and setting up the AWS CLI, see Getting started with the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. For information on using the AWS CLI with Amazon S3, see Using Amazon S3 with the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

  1. In a terminal window, create a folder named custom-plugin in your workspace using the following command.

    mkdir custom-plugin && cd custom-plugin
  2. Download the latest stable release of the MySQL Connector Plug-in from the Debezium site using the following command.

    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/debezium/debezium-connectormysql/ 2.2.0.Final/debezium-connector-mysql-2.2.0.Final-plugin.tar.gz

    Extract the downloaded gzip file in the custom-plugin folder using the following command.

    tar xzf debezium-connector-mysql-2.2.0.Final-plugin.tar.gz
  3. Download the MSK config provider zip file using the following command.

    wget https://github.com/aws-samples/msk-config-providers/releases/download/r0.1.0/msk-config-providers-0.1.0-with-dependencies.zip

    Extract the downloaded zip file in the custom-plugin folder using the follwoing command.

    unzip msk-config-providers-0.1.0-with-dependencies.zip
  4. Zip the contents of the MSK config provider from the above step and the custom connector into a single file named custom-plugin.zip.

    zip -r ../custom-plugin.zip *
  5. Upload the file to S3 to be referenced later.

    aws s3 cp ../custom-plugin.zip s3:<S3_URI_BUCKET_LOCATION>
  6. On the Amazon MSK console, under the MSK Connect section, choose Custom Plugin, then choose Create custom plugin and browse the s3:<S3_URI_BUCKET_LOCATION> S3 bucket to select the custom plugin ZIP file you just uploaded.

    Amazon S3 bucket interface showing a single custom-plugin.zip file in the debezium folder.
  7. Enter debezium-custom-plugin for the plugin name. Optionally, enter a description and choose Create Custom Plugin.

    Amazon S3 bucket interface showing a single custom-plugin.zip file in the debezium folder.

Configure parameters and permissions for different providers

You can configure parameter values in these three services:

  • Secrets Manager

  • Systems Manager Parameter Store

  • S3 - Simple Storage Service

Select one of the tabs below for instructions on setting up parameters and relevant permissions for that service.

Configure in Secrets Manager
To configure parameter values in Secrets Manager
  1. Open the Secrets Manager console.

  2. Create a new secret to store your credentials or secrets. For instructions, see Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

  3. Copy your secret's ARN.

  4. Add the Secrets Manager permissions from the following example policy to your Service execution role. Replace <arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789000:secret:MySecret-1234> with the ARN of your secret.

  5. Add worker configuration and connector instructions.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetResourcePolicy", "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret", "secretsmanager:ListSecretVersionIds" ], "Resource": [ "<arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789000:secret:MySecret-1234>" ] } ] }
  6. For using the Secrets Manager configuration provider, copy the following lines of code to the worker configuration textbox in Step 3:

    # define name of config provider: config.providers = secretsmanager # provide implementation classes for secrets manager: config.providers.secretsmanager.class = com.amazonaws.kafka.config.providers.SecretsManagerConfigProvider # configure a config provider (if it needs additional initialization), for example you can provide a region where the secrets or parameters are located: config.providers.secretsmanager.param.region = us-east-1
  7. For the secrets manager configuration provider, copy the following lines of code in the connector configuration in Step 4.

    #Example implementation for secrets manager variable database.user=${secretsmanager:MSKAuroraDBCredentials:username} database.password=${secretsmanager:MSKAuroraDBCredentials:password}

You may also use the above step with more configuration providers.

Configure in Systems Manager Parameter Store
To configure parameter values in Systems Manager Parameter Store
  1. Open the Systems Manager console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Parameter Store.

  3. Create a new parameter to store in the Systems Manager. For instructions, see Create a Systems Manager parameter (console) in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

  4. Copy your parameter's ARN.

  5. Add the Systems Manager permissions from the following example policy to your Service execution role. Replace <arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:123456789000:parameter/MyParameterName> with the ARN of your parameter.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ssm:GetParameterHistory", "ssm:GetParametersByPath", "ssm:GetParameters", "ssm:GetParameter" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:123456789000:parameter/MyParameterName" } ] }
  6. For using the parameter store configuration provider, copy the following lines of code to the worker configuration textbox in Step 3:

    # define name of config provider: config.providers = ssm # provide implementation classes for parameter store: config.providers.ssm.class = com.amazonaws.kafka.config.providers.SsmParamStoreConfigProvider # configure a config provider (if it needs additional initialization), for example you can provide a region where the secrets or parameters are located: config.providers.ssm.param.region = us-east-1
  7. For the parameter store configuration provider copy the following lines of code in the connector configuration in Step 5.

    #Example implementation for parameter store variable schema.history.internal.kafka.bootstrap.servers=${ssm::MSKBootstrapServerAddress}

    You may also bundle the above two steps with more configuration providers.

Configure in Amazon S3
To configure objects/files in Amazon S3
  1. Open the Amazon S3 console.

  2. Upload your object to a bucket in S3. For instructions, see Uploading objects.

  3. Copy your object's ARN.

  4. Add the Amazon S3 Object Read permissions from the following example policy to your Service execution role. Replace <arn:aws:s3:::MY_S3_BUCKET/path/to/custom-plugin.zip> with the ARN of your object.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "<arn:aws:s3:::MY_S3_BUCKET/path/to/custom-plugin.zip>" } ] }
  5. For using the Amazon S3 configuration provider, copy the following lines of code to the worker configuration text-box in Step 3:

    # define name of config provider: config.providers = s3import # provide implementation classes for S3: config.providers.s3import.class = com.amazonaws.kafka.config.providers.S3ImportConfigProvider
  6. For the Amazon S3 configuration provider, copy the following lines of code to the connector configuration in Step 4.

    #Example implementation for S3 object database.ssl.truststore.location = ${s3import:us-west-2:my_cert_bucket/path/to/trustore_unique_filename.jks}

    You may also bundle the above two steps with more configuration providers.

Create a custom worker configuration with information about your configuration provider

  1. Select Worker configurations under the Amazon MSK Connect section.

  2. Select Create worker configuration.

  3. Enter SourceDebeziumCustomConfig in the Worker Configuration Name textbox. The Description is optional.

  4. Copy the relevant configuration code based on the providers desired, and paste it in the Worker configuration textbox.

  5. This is an example of the worker configuration for all the three providers:

    key.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter key.converter.schemas.enable=false value.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter value.converter.schemas.enable=false offset.storage.topic=offsets_my_debezium_source_connector # define names of config providers: config.providers=secretsmanager,ssm,s3import # provide implementation classes for each provider: config.providers.secretsmanager.class = com.amazonaws.kafka.config.providers.SecretsManagerConfigProvider config.providers.ssm.class = com.amazonaws.kafka.config.providers.SsmParamStoreConfigProvider config.providers.s3import.class = com.amazonaws.kafka.config.providers.S3ImportConfigProvider # configure a config provider (if it needs additional initialization), for example you can provide a region where the secrets or parameters are located: config.providers.secretsmanager.param.region = us-east-1 config.providers.ssm.param.region = us-east-1
  6. Click on Create worker configuration.

Create the connector

  1. Create a new connector using the instructions in Create a new connector.

  2. Choose the custom-plugin.zip file that you uploaded to your S3 bucket in Create a custom plugin and upload to S3 as the source for the custom plugin.

  3. Copy the relevant configuration code based on the providers desired, and paste them in the Connector configuration field.

  4. This is an example for the connector configuration for all the three providers:

    #Example implementation for parameter store variable schema.history.internal.kafka.bootstrap.servers=${ssm::MSKBootstrapServerAddress} #Example implementation for secrets manager variable database.user=${secretsmanager:MSKAuroraDBCredentials:username} database.password=${secretsmanager:MSKAuroraDBCredentials:password} #Example implementation for Amazon S3 file/object database.ssl.truststore.location = ${s3import:us-west-2:my_cert_bucket/path/to/trustore_unique_filename.jks}
  5. Select Use a custom configuration and choose SourceDebeziumCustomConfig from the Worker Configuration dropdown.

  6. Follow the remaining steps from instructions in Create connector.