Creating a Neptune Analytics graph from Neptune cluster or snapshot - Neptune Analytics

Creating a Neptune Analytics graph from Neptune cluster or snapshot

Neptune Analytics provides an easy way to bulk import data from an existing Neptune Database cluster or snapshot into a new Neptune Analytics graph, using the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API. Data from your source cluster or snapshot is bulk exported into an Amazon S3 bucket that you configure, analyzed to find the right memory configuration, and bulk imported into a new Neptune Analytics graph. You can check the progress of your bulk import at any time using the GetImportTask API as well.

A few things to consider while using this feature:

  • You can only import from Neptune Database clusters and snapshots running on a version newer than or equal to 1.3.0.

  • The exported data from your source Neptune Database cluster or snapshot will reside in your buckets only, and will be encrypted using a KMS key that you provide. The exported data is not directly consumable in any other way into Neptune outside of the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API. The exported data is not used after the lifetime of the request, and can be deleted by the user.

  • You need to provide permissions to perform the export task on the Neptune Database cluster or snapshot, write to your Amazon S3 bucket, and use your KMS key while writing data.

  • If your source is a Neptune Database cluster, a clone is taken from it and used for export. The original Neptune Database cluster will not be impacted. The cloned cluster is internally managed by the service and is deleted upon completion.

  • If your source is a Neptune snapshot, a restored DBCluster is created from it, and used for export. The restored cluster is internally managed by the service and is deleted upon completion.

  • This process is not recommended for small sized graphs. The export process is async, and works best for medium/large sized graphs with a size greater than 25GB. For smaller graphs, a better alternative is to use the Neptune export feature to generate CSV data directly from your source, upload that to Amazon S3 and then use the Batch load API instead.

A quick summary of steps to import from a Neptune cluster or a Neptune snapshot:

  1. Obtain the ARN of your Neptune cluster or snapshot: This can be done from the AWS console or using the Neptune CLI.

  2. Create an IAM role with permissions to export from Neptune to Neptune Analytics: Create an IAM role that has permissions to perform an export of your Neptune graph, write to Amazon S3 and use your KMS key for writing data in Amazon S3.

  3. Use the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API with source = NEPTUNE, and provide the ARN of your source, Amazon S3 path to export the data, KMS key to use for exporting data and additional arguments for your Neptune Analytics graph. This should return a task-id.

  4. Use GetImportTask API to get the details of your task.

Obtain the ARN of your Neptune cluster or snapshot

Via the CLI:

# Obtaining the ARN of an existing DB Cluster aws neptune describe-db-clusters \ --db-cluster-identifier *<name> \ --query 'DBClusters[0].DBClusterArn' # Obtaining the ARN of an existing DB Cluster Snapshot aws neptune describe-db-cluster-snapshots \ --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier <snapshot name> \ --query 'DBClusterSnapshots[0].DBClusterSnapshotArn'

Via the AWS console. The ARN can be found on the cluster details page.

Cluster details option 1.
Cluster details option 2.

Create an IAM role with permissions to export from Neptune to Neptune Analytics

  1. Open the IAM console at Choose Roles, and then choose Create Role.

  2. Provie a role name.

  3. Choose Amazon S3 as the AWS service.

  4. In the permissions section, choose:

    • AmazonS3FullAccess

    • NeptuneFullAccess

    • AmazonRDSFullAccess

  5. Also create a custom policy with at least the following permissions for the AWS KMS key used:

    • kms:ListGrants

    • kms:CreateGrant

    • kms:RevokeGrant

    • kms:DescribeKey

    • kms:GenerateDataKey

    • kms:Encrypt

    • kms:ReEncrypt

    • kms:Decrypt


    Make sure there are no resource-level Deny policies attached to your AWS KMS key. If there are, explicitly allow the AWS KMS permissions for the Export role.

  6. On the Trust Relationships tab, choose Edit trust relationship, and paste the following trust policy. Choose Save to save the trust relationship.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

Your IAM role is now ready for import.


For importing data via Neptune , the API expects additional import-options as defined here NeptuneImportOptions .

Example 1: Create a graph from a Neptune cluster.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name <graph-name> --source arn:aws:rds:<region>:451235071234:cluster:nodelete-p8-test-snb-neptune-gremlin-data-100 \ --min-provisioned-memory 1024 \ --max-provisioned-memory 1024 \ --role-arn <role-arn> \ --import-options '{"neptune": { "s3ExportKmsKeyId":"arn:aws:kms:<region>:<account>:key/<key>", "s3ExportPath": :"<s3 path for exported data>" }}'

Example 2: Create a graph from a Neptune cluster with the default vertex preserved.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name <graph-name> --source arn:aws:rds:<region>:451235071234:cluster:nodelete-p8-test-snb-neptune-gremlin-data-100 \ --min-provisioned-memory 1024 \ --max-provisioned-memory 1024 \ --role-arn <role-arn> \ --import-options '{"neptune": { "s3ExportKmsKeyId":"arn:aws:kms:<region>:<account>:key/<key>", "s3ExportPath": :"<s3 path for exported data>", "preserveDefaultVertexLabels" : true }}'

Example 3: Create a graph from Neptune cluster with the default edge Id preserved

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name <graph-name> --source arn:aws:rds:<region>:451235071234:cluster:nodelete-p8-test-snb-neptune-gremlin-data-100 \ --min-provisioned-memory 1024 \ --max-provisioned-memory 1024 \ --role-arn <role-arn> \ --import-options '{"neptune": { "s3ExportKmsKeyId":"arn:aws:kms:<region>:<account>:key/<key>", "s3ExportPath": :"<s3 path for exported data>", "preserveEdgeIds" : true }}'