Restoring from a graph snapshot - Neptune Analytics

Restoring from a graph snapshot

When you create a snapshot of a graph, Neptune Analytics creates a storage volume snapshot of the graph, backing up all of its data. You can later create a new Neptune Analytics graph by restoring from this snapshot. When you restore the graph, you provide the name of the graph snapshot to restore from, and then provide a name for the new graph that is created by the restore.


Restore an analytics graph from a snapshot

aws neptune-graph restore-graph-from-snapshot \ --graph-name <NEW_GRAPH_NAME> \ --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID>


  1. graph-name - The name of the new Neptune Analytics graph that will be created from the snapshot.

  2. snapshot-id - The snapshot identifier you want to restore from.

Optional parameters:

  1. min-provisioned-memory - The minimum provisioned memory to use for the new graph. Default: 64.

  2. max-provisioned-memory - The maximum provisioned memory to use for the new graph. Default: 1024, or the approved upper limit for your account. Neptune Analytics will analyze the data to find the best memory configuration between min-provisioned-memory and max-provisioned-memory to create the graph.

  3. public-access, no-public-access - Whether connectivity over public networks (internet) is enabled or not. Default: no-public-access.

  4. replica-count - The number of replicas to provision on the new graph after import. Default: 0, Min: 0, Max:2.

Neptune Console
  1. Find the snapshot you want to restore by expanding Analytics and choosing Snapshots.

  2. Select the snapshot and choose Restore snapshot.

  3. Give the graph a unique name, and choose provisioned m-NCU.

    Image showing the form used to give the graph a unique name and choose m-NCU for the graph.
  4. Update availibility, network, and advanced settings if necessary, and choose the Restore snapshot button.

    Image showing the form used to update availibility, network, and advanced settings.
  5. You can review the status of your restored graph by expanding Analytics and choosing Graphs.