Loading data into a Neptune Analytics graph - Neptune Analytics

Loading data into a Neptune Analytics graph

Neptune Analytics provides several options for loading data into a graph.

  • Bulk import  –   Create a graph loaded with data from files in Amazon S3 in a CSV-like data format, or data in a Neptune Database cluster. You can also load data from files in Amazon S3 into an empty graph. This could be the fastest way to load large volumes of initial data.

  • Batch load  –   Add more data to an existing non-empty graph from files in Amazon S3 in a CSV-like data format. This could be the fastest way to add more data or update single cardinality property values in a non-empty graph. The volume of data that can be ingested in a single request is lower than what bulk import can support, and multiple requests with smaller batches of files could be a workaround.

  • openCypher queries  –   Add more data through queries, if data is not available from files in Amazon S3 or the data volume is small. This is also a more generic approach for conditional inserts based on data already in the graph, and updating contents of the graph.


Be cautious while loading a file of edges. If the same edge file is loaded twice, duplicate edges will be inserted into the graph which can lead to unintended results.

Also, while using the SDK/CLI command execute-query to run neptune.load(), it is recommended to increase the timeout window and disable the retries for the SDK/CLI.

For more information about increasing the timeout and disabling retries, see ExecuteQuery.