GetQuery - Neptune Analytics


The GetQuery API can be used to get the status of a specific query request.

GetQuery inputs

  • graph-identifier (required)

    Type: String

    The identifier representing a graph.

  • region (required)

    Type: String

    The region where the graph is present.

  • query-id (required)

    Type: String

    The id of the query request for which you want to get information.

GetQuery outputs

  • id: The same id used in this request.

  • queryString: Non-truncated query string associated to this query-id.

  • waited: Time in milliseconds this query request had to wait to be executed.

  • elapsed: Time in milliseconds the query spent while in execution.

  • state: Current state of the query - running | waiting | cancelling.

{ "id" : "d6873456-40a7-44d7-be5c-46b4acfdc171", "queryString" : "UNWIND range(1,100000) AS i MATCH (n) RETURN i, n", "waited" : 1, "elapsed" : 8645, "state" : "RUNNING" }

GetQuery examples

aws neptune-graph get-query \ --graph-identifier <graph-id> \ --region <region> \ --query-id <query-id>
awscurl -X GET "https://<graph-id>.<endpoint>/queries/<query-id>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ --region us-east-1 \ --service neptune-graph