ListQueries - Neptune Analytics


ListQueries API fetches the list of running/waiting/cancelling queries on the graph.

ListQueries syntax

aws neptune-graph list-queries \ --graph-identifier <graph-id> \ --region <region> \ --max-results <result_count> --state [all | running | waiting | cancelling]

ListQueries inputs

  • graph-identifier (required)

    Type: String

    Identifier representing your graph.

  • region (required)

    Type: String

    Region where the graph is present.

  • max-results (required)

    Type: Integer

    The maximum number of results to be fetched by the API.

  • state (optional)

    Type: String

    Supported values: all | running | waiting | cancelling

    If state parameter is not specified, the API fetches all types.

ListQueries outputs

# Sample Response { "queries": [ { "id": "130ab841-8b4b-46c3-afbe-af00274c7fd9", "queryString": "MATCH p=(n)-[*]-(m) RETURN p;", "waited": 0, "elapsed": 1686, "state": "RUNNING" } ] }

The output contains a list of query objects, each containing:

  • id: String - representing the unique identifier of the query.

  • queryString: String - The actual query text. The queryString may be truncated if the actual query string is too long.

  • waited: Integer - The time in milliseconds for which the query has waited in the waiting queue before being picked up by a worker thread.

  • elapsed: Integer - The time in milliseconds representing the running time of the query.

  • state: Current state of the query (running | waiting | cancelling).

The default list order is queries that are running, followed by waiting and cancelling.

ListQueries Examples

aws neptune-graph list-queries \ --graph-identifier <graph-id> \ --region us-east-1 \ --max-results 200 --state waiting
awscurl -X GET "https://<graph-id>.<endpoint>/queries?state=WAITING&maxResults=200" \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ --region us-east-1 \ --service neptune-graph