Referencing IRIs in queries - Neptune Analytics

Referencing IRIs in queries

There are two ways to reference an IRI in an openCypher query:

  • Wrap the full IRI inside < and > . Depending on where in the query this IRI is referenced, the IRI is then provided as a String, such as "<>" (when the IRI is the value of property ~id), or in backticks such as `<>` (when the IRI is a label, or property key).

    CREATE (:`<>` {`~id`: "<>"})
  • Define a PREFIX at the start of the query, and inside the query reference an IRI using prefix::suffix. For example, after PREFIX ex: <> the reference ex::Alice also references the full IRI <>.

    PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX ex: <> CREATE (: foaf::Person {`~id`: ex::Alice})

Additional query examples below show the use of both full IRIs and the prefix syntax.