Gremlin standards compliance in Amazon Neptune - Amazon Neptune

Gremlin standards compliance in Amazon Neptune

The following sections provide an overview of the Neptune implementation of Gremlin and how it differs from the Apache TinkerPop implementation.

Neptune implements some Gremlin steps natively in its engine, and uses the Apache TinkerPop Gremlin implementation to process others (see Native Gremlin step support in Amazon Neptune).


For some concrete examples of these implementation differences shown in Gremlin Console and Amazon Neptune, see the Using Gremlin to access graph data in Amazon Neptune section of the Quick Start.

Applicable Standards for Gremlin

Variables and parameters in scripts

Where pre-bound variables are concerned, the traversal object g is Pre-bound in Neptune, and the graph object is not supported.

Although Neptune does not support Gremlin variables or parameterization in scripts, you may often encounter sample scripts for Gremlin Server on the Internet that contain variable declarations, such as:

String query = "x = 1; g.V(x)"; List<Result> results = client.submit(query).all().get();

There are also many examples that make use of parameterization (or bindings) when submitting queries, such as:

Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("x",1); String query = "g.V(x)"; List<Result> results = client.submit(query).all().get();

The parameter examples are usually associated with warnings about performance penalties for not parameterizing when possible. There are a great many such examples for TinkerPop that you may encounter, and they all sound quite convincing about the need to parameterize.

However, both the variables declarations feature and the parameterization feature (along with the warnings) only apply to TinkerPop's Gremlin Server when it is using the GremlinGroovyScriptEngine. They do not apply when Gremlin Server uses Gremlin's gremlin-language ANTLR grammar to parse queries. The ANTLR grammar doesn't support either variable declarations or parameterization, so when using ANTLR, you don't have to worry about failing to parameterize. Because the ANTLR grammar is a newer component of TinkerPop, older content you may encounter on the Internet doesn't generally reflect this distinction.

Neptune uses the ANTLR grammar in its query processing engine rather than the GremlinGroovyScriptEngine, so it does not support variables or parameterization or the bindings property. As a result, the problems related to failing to parameterize do not apply in Neptune. Using Neptune, it's perfectly safe simply to submit the query as-is where one would normally parameterize. As a result, the previous example can be simplified without any performance penalty as follows:

String query = "g.V(1)"; List<Result> results = client.submit(query).all().get();

TinkerPop enumerations

Neptune does not support fully qualified class names for enumeration values. For example, you must use single and not org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty.Cardinality.single in your Groovy request.

The enumeration type is determined by parameter type.

The following table shows the allowed enumeration values and the related TinkerPop fully qualified name.

Java code

Neptune does not support calls to methods defined by arbitrary Java or Java library calls other than supported Gremlin APIs. For example, java.lang.*, Date(), and g.V().tryNext().orElseGet() are not allowed.

Properties on elements

Neptune does not support the materializeProperties flag that was introduced in TinkerPop 3.7.0 to return properties on elements. As a result, Neptune will still only return vertices or edges as references with just their id and label.

Script execution

All queries must begin with g, the traversal object.

In String query submissions, multiple traversals can be issued separated by a semicolon (;) or a newline character (\n). To be executed, every statement other than the last must end with an .iterate() step. Only the final traversal data is returned. Note that this does not apply to GLV ByteCode query submissions.


Sessions in Neptune are limited to only 10 minutes in duration. See Gremlin script-based sessions and the TinkerPop Session Reference for more information.


Neptune opens a new transaction at the beginning of each Gremlin traversal and closes the transaction upon the successful completion of the traversal. The transaction is rolled back when there is an error.

Multiple statements separated by a semicolon (;) or a newline character (\n) are included in a single transaction. Every statement other than the last must end with a next() step to be executed. Only the final traversal data is returned.

Manual transaction logic using tx.commit() and tx.rollback() is not supported.


This only applies to methods where you send the Gremlin query as a text string (see Gremlin transactions).

Vertex and edge IDs

Neptune Gremlin Vertex and Edge IDs must be of type String. These ID strings support Unicode characters, and cannot exceed 55 MB in size.

User-supplied IDs are supported, but they are optional in normal usage. If you don't provide an ID when you add a vertex or an edge, Neptune generates a UUID and converts it to a string, in a form like this: "48af8178-50ce-971a-fc41-8c9a954cea62". These UUIDs do not conform to the RFC standard, so if you need standard UUIDs you should generate them externally and provide them when you add vertices or edges.


The Neptune Load command requires that you provide IDs, using the ~id field in the Neptune CSV format.

User-supplied IDs

User-supplied IDs are allowed in Neptune Gremlin with the following stipulations.

  • Supplied IDs are optional.

  • Only vertexes and edges are supported.

  • Only type String is supported.

To create a new vertex with a custom ID, use the property step with the id keyword: g.addV().property(id, 'customid').


Do not put quotation marks around the id keyword. It refers to

All vertex IDs must be unique, and all edge IDs must be unique. However, Neptune does allow a vertex and an edge to have the same ID.

If you try to create a new vertex using the g.addV() and a vertex with that ID already exists, the operation fails. The exception to this is if you specify a new label for the vertex, the operation succeeds but adds the new label and any additional properties specified to the existing vertex. Nothing is overwritten. A new vertex is not created. The vertex ID does not change and remains unique.

For example, the following Gremlin Console commands succeed:

gremlin> g.addV('label1').property(id, 'customid') gremlin> g.addV('label2').property(id, 'customid') gremlin> g.V('customid').label() ==>label1::label2

Vertex property IDs

Vertex property IDs are generated automatically and can show up as positive or negative numbers when queried.

Cardinality of vertex properties

Neptune supports set cardinality and single cardinality. If it isn't specified, set cardinality is selected. This means that if you set a property value, it adds a new value to the property, but only if it doesn't already appear in the set of values. This is the Gremlin enumeration value of Set.

List is not supported. For more information about property cardinality, see the Vertex topic in the Gremlin JavaDoc.

Updating a vertex property

To update a property value without adding an additional value to the set of values, specify single cardinality in the property step.

g.V('exampleid01').property(single, 'age', 25)

This removes all existing values for the property.


Neptune supports multiple labels for a vertex. When you create a label, you can specify multiple labels by separating them with ::. For example, g.addV("Label1::Label2::Label3") adds a vertex with three different labels. The hasLabel step matches this vertex with any of those three labels: hasLabel("Label1"), hasLabel("Label2"), and hasLabel("Label3").


The :: delimiter is reserved for this use only. You cannot specify multiple labels in the hasLabel step. For example, hasLabel("Label1::Label2") does not match anything.

Escape characters

Neptune resolves all escape characters as described in the Escaping Special Characters section of the Apache Groovy language documentation.

Groovy limitations

Neptune doesn't support Groovy commands that don't start with g. This includes math (for example, 1+1), system calls (for example, System.nanoTime()), and variable definitions (for example, 1+1).


Neptune does not support fully qualified class names. For example, you must use single and not org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty.Cardinality.single in your Groovy request.


Neptune supports the following serializations based on the requested MIME type.

MIME type Serialization Configuration


GraphSONMessageSerializerV1 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV1]


GraphSONUntypedMessageSerializerV1 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV1]


GraphSONMessageSerializerV2 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV2]


GraphSONUntypedMessageSerializerV2 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV2]


GraphSONMessageSerializerV3 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV3]


GraphSONUntypedMessageSerializerV3 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV3]


GraphSONUntypedMessageSerializerV3 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV1]




GraphBinaryMessageSerializerV1 serializeResultToString: true


GraphSONMessageSerializerGremlinV1 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV1]


GraphSONMessageSerializerV2   (only works with WebSockets) ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV2]




GraphSONMessageSerializerV3 ioRegistries: [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerIoRegistryV3]



While Neptune supports these different serializers types, the guidance for their usage is fairly straightforward. If you are connecting to Neptune over HTTP, prioritize the use of application/vnd.gremlin-v3.0+json;types=false as the embedded types in the alternative version of GraphSON 3 make it complicated to work with. If you are using Apache TinkerPop drivers, you likely don’t need to make any choices as you would use the default of application/vnd.graphbinary-v1.0. The application/vnd.graphbinary-v1.0-stringd is generally only useful when used in conjunction with Gremlin console as it converts all results to a string representation for simple display. Remaining formats remain present for legacy reasons.


The serializer table shown here refers to naming as of TinkerPop 3.7.0. If you would like to know more about this change, please see the TinkerPop upgrade documentation. Gryo serialization support was deprecated in 3.4.3 and was officially removed in 3.6.0. If you are explicitly using Gryo or on a driver version that uses it by default, then you should switch to GraphBinary or upgrade your driver.

Lambda steps

Neptune does not support Lambda Steps.

Unsupported Gremlin methods

Neptune does not support the following Gremlin methods:

  • org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal.program(

  • org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal.sideEffect(java.util.function.Consumer)

  • org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal.from(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex)


For example, the following traversal is not allowed: g.V().addE('something').from(__.V().next()).to(__.V().next()).


This only applies to methods where you send the Gremlin query as a text string.

Unsupported Gremlin steps

Neptune does not support the following Gremlin steps:

  • The Gremlin io( ) Step is only partially supported in Neptune. It can be used in a read context, as in, but not to write.

Gremlin graph features in Neptune

The Neptune implementation of Gremlin does not expose the graph object. The following tables list Gremlin features and indicate whether or not Neptune supports them.

Neptune support for graph features

The Neptune graph features, where supported, are the same as would be returned by the graph.features() command.

Graph feature Enabled?
Transactions true
ThreadedTransactions false
Computer false
Persistence true
ConcurrentAccess true

Neptune support for variable features

Variable feature Enabled?
Variables false
SerializableValues false
UniformListValues false
BooleanArrayValues false
DoubleArrayValues false
IntegerArrayValues false
StringArrayValues false
BooleanValues false
ByteValues false
DoubleValues false
FloatValues false
IntegerValues false
LongValues false
MapValues false
MixedListValues false
StringValues false
ByteArrayValues false
FloatArrayValues false
LongArrayValues false

Neptune support for vertex features

Vertex feature Enabled?
MetaProperties false
DuplicateMultiProperties false
AddVertices true
RemoveVertices true
MultiProperties true
UserSuppliedIds true
AddProperty true
RemoveProperty true
NumericIds false
StringIds true
UuidIds false
CustomIds false
AnyIds false

Neptune support for vertex property features

Vertex property feature Enabled?
UserSuppliedIds false
AddProperty true
RemoveProperty true
NumericIds true
StringIds true
UuidIds false
CustomIds false
AnyIds false
Properties true
SerializableValues false
UniformListValues false
BooleanArrayValues false
DoubleArrayValues false
IntegerArrayValues false
StringArrayValues false
BooleanValues true
ByteValues true
DoubleValues true
FloatValues true
IntegerValues true
LongValues true
MapValues false
MixedListValues false
StringValues true
ByteArrayValues false
FloatArrayValues false
LongArrayValues false

Neptune support for edge features

Edge feature Enabled?
AddEdges true
RemoveEdges true
UserSuppliedIds true
AddProperty true
RemoveProperty true
NumericIds false
StringIds true
UuidIds false
CustomIds false
AnyIds false

Neptune support for edge property features

Edge property feature Enabled?
Properties true
SerializableValues false
UniformListValues false
BooleanArrayValues false
DoubleArrayValues false
IntegerArrayValues false
StringArrayValues false
BooleanValues true
ByteValues true
DoubleValues true
FloatValues true
IntegerValues true
LongValues true
MapValues false
MixedListValues false
StringValues true
ByteArrayValues false
FloatArrayValues false
LongArrayValues false