Neptune dataplane statistics and graph summary APIs - Amazon Neptune

Neptune dataplane statistics and graph summary APIs

Property graph statistics actions:

Statistics structures:

GetPropertygraphStatistics (action)

        The AWS CLI name for this API is: get-propertygraph-statistics.

Gets property graph statistics (Gremlin and openCypher).

When invoking this operation in a Neptune cluster that has IAM authentication enabled, the IAM user or role making the request must have a policy attached that allows the neptune-db:GetStatisticsStatus IAM action in that cluster.

  • No Request parameters.


  • payload   – Required: A Statistics object.

    Statistics for property-graph data.

  • status   – Required: a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The HTTP return code of the request. If the request succeeded, the code is 200. See Common error codes for DFE statistics request for a list of common errors.

ManagePropertygraphStatistics (action)

        The AWS CLI name for this API is: manage-propertygraph-statistics.

Manages the generation and use of property graph statistics.

When invoking this operation in a Neptune cluster that has IAM authentication enabled, the IAM user or role making the request must have a policy attached that allows the neptune-db:ManageStatistics IAM action in that cluster.


  • mode  (in the CLI: --mode) –  a StatisticsAutoGenerationMode, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The statistics generation mode. One of: DISABLE_AUTOCOMPUTE, ENABLE_AUTOCOMPUTE, or REFRESH, the last of which manually triggers DFE statistics generation.


  • payload   – A RefreshStatisticsIdMap object.

    This is only returned for refresh mode.

  • status   – Required: a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The HTTP return code of the request. If the request succeeded, the code is 200.

DeletePropertygraphStatistics (action)

        The AWS CLI name for this API is: delete-propertygraph-statistics.

Deletes statistics for Gremlin and openCypher (property graph) data.

When invoking this operation in a Neptune cluster that has IAM authentication enabled, the IAM user or role making the request must have a policy attached that allows the neptune-db:DeleteStatistics IAM action in that cluster.

  • No Request parameters.


  • payload   – A DeleteStatisticsValueMap object.

    The deletion payload.

  • status   – a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The cancel status.

  • statusCode   – an Integer, of type: integer (a signed 32-bit integer).

    The HTTP response code: 200 if the delete was successful, or 204 if there were no statistics to delete.

GetPropertygraphSummary (action)

        The AWS CLI name for this API is: get-propertygraph-summary.

Gets a graph summary for a property graph.

When invoking this operation in a Neptune cluster that has IAM authentication enabled, the IAM user or role making the request must have a policy attached that allows the neptune-db:GetGraphSummary IAM action in that cluster.


  • mode  (in the CLI: --mode) –  a GraphSummaryType, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    Mode can take one of two values: BASIC (the default), and DETAILED.


  • payload   – A PropertygraphSummaryValueMap object.

    Payload containing the property graph summary response.

  • statusCode   – an Integer, of type: integer (a signed 32-bit integer).

    The HTTP return code of the request. If the request succeeded, the code is 200.

Statistics structures:

Statistics (structure)

Contains statistics information. The DFE engine uses information about the data in your Neptune graph to make effective trade-offs when planning query execution. This information takes the form of statistics that include so-called characteristic sets and predicate statistics that can guide query planning. See Managing statistics for the Neptune DFE to use.

  • active – This is a Boolean, of type: boolean (a Boolean (true or false) value).

    Indicates whether or not DFE statistics generation is enabled at all.

  • autoCompute – This is a Boolean, of type: boolean (a Boolean (true or false) value).

    Indicates whether or not automatic statistics generation is enabled.

  • date – This is a SyntheticTimestamp_date_time, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The UTC time at which DFE statistics have most recently been generated.

  • note – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A note about problems in the case where statistics are invalid.

  • signatureInfo – This is A StatisticsSummary object.

    A StatisticsSummary structure that contains:

    • signatureCount - The total number of signatures across all characteristic sets.

    • instanceCount - The total number of characteristic-set instances.

    • predicateCount - The total number of unique predicates.

  • statisticsId – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    Reports the ID of the current statistics generation run. A value of -1 indicates that no statistics have been generated.

StatisticsSummary (structure)

Information about the characteristic sets generated in the statistics.

  • instanceCount – This is an Integer, of type: integer (a signed 32-bit integer).

    The total number of characteristic-set instances.

  • predicateCount – This is an Integer, of type: integer (a signed 32-bit integer).

    The total number of unique predicates.

  • signatureCount – This is an Integer, of type: integer (a signed 32-bit integer).

    The total number of signatures across all characteristic sets.

DeleteStatisticsValueMap (structure)

The payload for DeleteStatistics.

  • active – This is a Boolean, of type: boolean (a Boolean (true or false) value).

    The current status of the statistics.

  • statisticsId – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The ID of the statistics generation run that is currently occurring.

RefreshStatisticsIdMap (structure)

Statistics for REFRESH mode.

  • statisticsId – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The ID of the statistics generation run that is currently occurring.

NodeStructure (structure)

A node structure.

  • count – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    Number of nodes that have this specific structure.

  • distinctOutgoingEdgeLabels – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A list of distinct outgoing edge labels present in this specific structure.

  • nodeProperties – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A list of the node properties present in this specific structure.

EdgeStructure (structure)

An edge structure.

  • count – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of edges that have this specific structure.

  • edgeProperties – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A list of edge properties present in this specific structure.

SubjectStructure (structure)

A subject structure.

  • count – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    Number of occurrences of this specific structure.

  • predicates – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A list of predicates present in this specific structure.

PropertygraphSummaryValueMap (structure)

Payload for the property graph summary response.

  • graphSummary – This is A PropertygraphSummary object.

    The graph summary.

  • lastStatisticsComputationTime – This is a SyntheticTimestamp_date_time, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, of the time at which Neptune last computed statistics.

  • version – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    The version of this graph summary response.

PropertygraphSummary (structure)

The graph summary API returns a read-only list of node and edge labels and property keys, along with counts of nodes, edges, and properties. See Graph summary response for a property graph (PG).

  • edgeLabels – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A list of the distinct edge labels in the graph.

  • edgeProperties – This is LongValuedMap objects It is a map array of key-value pairs where:

        Each key is a a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

        Each value is a a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    A list of the distinct edge properties in the graph, along with the count of edges where each property is used.

  • edgeStructures – This is An array of EdgeStructure objects.

    This field is only present when the requested mode is DETAILED. It contains a list of edge structures.

  • nodeLabels – This is a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

    A list of the distinct node labels in the graph.

  • nodeProperties – This is LongValuedMap objects It is a map array of key-value pairs where:

        Each key is a a String, of type: string (a UTF-8 encoded string).

        Each value is a a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of distinct node properties in the graph.

  • nodeStructures – This is An array of NodeStructure objects.

    This field is only present when the requested mode is DETAILED. It contains a list of node structures.

  • numEdgeLabels – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of distinct edge labels in the graph.

  • numEdgeProperties – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of distinct edge properties in the graph.

  • numEdges – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of edges in the graph.

  • numNodeLabels – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of distinct node labels in the graph.

  • numNodeProperties – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    A list of the distinct node properties in the graph, along with the count of nodes where each property is used.

  • numNodes – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The number of nodes in the graph.

  • totalEdgePropertyValues – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The total number of usages of all edge properties.

  • totalNodePropertyValues – This is a Long, of type: long (a signed 64-bit integer).

    The total number of usages of all node properties.