Working with custom endpoints in Neptune
When you add a DB instance to a custom endpoint or remove it from a custom endpoint, any existing connections to that DB instance remain active.
You can define a list of DB instances to include in a custom endpoint (the static list), or one to exclude from the custom endpoint (the. exclusion list). You can use the inclusion/exclusion mechanism to subdivide the DB instances into groups and make sure that the custom endpoints covers all the DB instances in the cluster. Each custom endpoint can contain only one of these list types.
In the AWS Management Console, the choice is represented by the check box Attach future instances added to this cluster. When you keep check box clear, the custom endpoint uses a static list containing only the DB instances specified in the dialog. When you check the check box, the custom endpoint uses an exclusion list. In that case, the custom endpoint represents all DB instances in the cluster (including any that you add in the future) except the ones left unselected in the dialog.
Neptune doesn't change the DB instances specified in the static or exclusion lists when DB instances change roles between primary instance and Neptune Replica because of failover or promotion.
You can associate a DB instance with more than one custom endpoint. For example, suppose you add a new DB instance to a cluster. In that case the DB instance is added to all custom endpoints for which it is eligible. The static or exclusion list defined for it determines which DB instance can be added to it.
If an endpoint includes a static list of DB instances, newly added Neptune Replicas aren't added to it. Conversely, if the endpoint has an exclusion list, newly added Neptune Replicas are added to it provided that they aren't named in the exclusion list.
If a Neptune Replica becomes unavailable, it remains associated with its custom endpoints. This is true whether it is unhealthy, stopped, rebooting, or unavailable for another reason. However, as long as it remains unavailable you can't connect to it through any endpoint.
Because newly created Neptune clusters have no custom endpoints, you must create and manage them yourself. This is also true for Neptune clusters restored from snapshots, because custom endpoints are not included in the snapshot. You have create them again after restoring, and choose new endpoint names if the restored cluster is in the same region as the original one.
Creating a custom endpoint
Manage custom endpoints using the Neptune console. Do this by navigating to the details page for your Neptune cluster and use the controls in the Custom Endpoints section.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console at
. Navigate to the cluster detail page.
Choose the
Create custom endpoint
action in the Endpoints section.-
Choose a name for the custom endpoint that is unique for your user ID and region. The name must be 63 characters or less in length and take the following form:
Because custom endpoint names don't include the name of your cluster, you don't have to change those names if you rename a cluster. However, you can't reuse the same custom endpoint name for more than one cluster in the same region. Give each custom endpoint a name that is unique across the clusters owned by your user ID within a particular region.
To choose a list of DB instances that remains the same even as the cluster expands, keep the check box Attach future instances added to this cluster clear. When that check box is checked, the custom endpoint dynamically adds any new instances as that are added to the cluster.
Viewing custom endpoints
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console at
. Navigate to the cluster detail page of your DB cluster.
The Endpoints section only contains information about custom endpoints (details about the built-in endpoints are listed in the main Details section). To see details for a specific custom endpoint, select its name to bring up the detail page for that endpoint.
Editing a custom endpoint
You can edit the properties of a custom endpoint to change which DB instances are associated with it. You can also switch between a static list and an exclusion list.
You can't connect to or use a custom endpoint while the changes from an edit action are in progress. It might take some minutes after you make a change before the endpoint status returns to Available and you can connect again.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console at
. Navigate to the cluster detail page.
In the Endpoints section, choose the name of the custom endpoint you want to edit.
In the detail page for that endpoint, choose the Edit action.
Deleting a custom endpoint
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console at
. Navigate to the cluster detail page.
In the Endpoints section, choose the name of the custom endpoint you want to delete.
In the detail page for that endpoint, choose the Delete action.