Models and model training in Amazon Neptune ML - Amazon Neptune

Models and model training in Amazon Neptune ML

Neptune ML uses Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to create models for the various machine-learning tasks. Graph neural networks have been shown to obtain state-of-the-art results for graph machine learning tasks and are excellent at extracting informative patterns from graph structured data.

Graph neural networks (GNNs) in Neptune ML

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) belong to a family of neural networks that compute node representations by taking into account the structure and features of nearby nodes. GNNs complement other traditional machine learning and neural network methods that are not well-suited for graph data.

GNNs are used to solve machine-learning tasks such as node classification and regression (predicting properties of nodes) and edge classification and regression (predicting properties of edges) or link prediction (predicting whether two nodes in the graph should be connected or not).

In general, using a GNN for a machine learning task involves two stages:

  • An encoding stage, where the GNN computes a d-dimensional vector for each node in the graph. These vectors are also called representations or embeddings.

  • A decoding stage, which makes predictions based on the encoded representations.

For node classification and regression, the node representations are used directly for the classification and regression tasks. For edge classification and regression, the node representations of the incident nodes on an edge are used as input for the classification or regression. For link prediction, an edge likelihood score is computed by using a pair of node representations and an edge type representation.

The Deep Graph Library (DGL) facilitates the efficient definition and training of GNNs for these tasks.

Different GNN models are unified under the formulation of message passing. In this view, the representation for a node in a graph is calculated using the node's neighbors' representations (the messages), together with the node's initial representation. In NeptuneML, the initial representation of a node is derived from the features extracted from its node properties, or is learnable and depends on the identity of the node.

Neptune ML also provides the option to concatenate node features and learnable node representations to serve as the original node representation.

For the various tasks in Neptune ML involving graphs with node properties, we use the Relational Graph Convolutional Network (R-GCN)) to perform the encoding stage. R-GCN is a GNN architecture that is well-suited for graphs that have multiple node and edge types (these are known as heterogeneous graphs).

The R-GCN network consists of a fixed number of layers, stacked one after the other. Each layer of the R-GCN uses its learnable model parameters to aggregate information from the immediate, 1-hop neighborhood of a node. Since subsequent layers use the previous layer's output representations as input, the radius of the graph neighborhood that influences a node's final embedding depends on the number of layers (num-layer), of the R-GCN network.

For example, this means that a 2-layer network uses information from nodes that are 2 hops away.

To learn more about GNNs, see A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks. For more information about the Deep Graph Library (DGL), visit the DGL webpage. For a hands-on tutorial about using DGL with GNNs, see Learning graph neural networks with Deep Graph Library.

Training Graph Neural Networks

In machine learning, the process of getting a model to learn how to make good predictions for a task is called model training. This is usually performed by specifying a particular objective to optimize, as well as an algorithm to use to perform this optimization.

This process is employed in training a GNN to learn good representations for the downstream task as well. We create an objective function for that task that is minimized during model training. For example, for node classification, we use CrossEntropyLoss as the objective, which penalizes misclassifications, and for node regression we minimize MeanSquareError.

The objective is usually a loss function that takes the model predictions for a particular data point and compares them to the ground-truth value for that data point. It returns the loss value, which shows how far off the model's predictions are. The goal of the training process is to minimize the loss and ensure that model predictions are close to the ground-truth.

The optimization algorithm used in deep learning for the training process is usually a variant of gradient descent. In Neptune ML, we use Adam, which is an algorithm for first-order gradient-based optimization of stochastic objective functions based on adaptive estimates of lower-order moments.

While the model training process tries to ensure that the learned model parameters are close to the minima of the objective function, the overall performance of a model also depends on the model's hyperparameters, which are model settings that aren't learned by the training algorithm. For example, the dimensionality of the learned node representation, num-hidden, is a hyperparameter that affects model performance. Therefore, it is common in machine learning to perform hyperparameter optimization (HPO) to choose the suitable hyperparameters.

Neptune ML uses a SageMaker AI hyperparameter tuning job to launch multiple instances of model training with different hyperparameter configurations to try to find the best model for a range of hyperparameters settings. See Customizing model hyperparameter configurations in Neptune ML.

Knowledge graph embedding models in Neptune ML

Knowledge graphs (KGs) are graphs that encode information about different entities (nodes) and their relations (edges). In Neptune ML, knowledge graph embedding models are applied by default for performing link prediction when the graph does not contain node properties, only relations with other nodes. Although, R-GCN models with learnable embeddings can also be used for these graphs by specifying the model type as "rgcn", knowledge graph embedding models are simpler and are designed to be effective for learning representations for large scale knowledge graphs.

Knowledge graph embedding models are used in a link prediction task to predict the nodes or relations that complete a triple (h, r, t) where h is the source node, r is the relation type and t is the destination node.

The knowledge graph embedding models implemented in Neptune ML are distmult, transE, and rotatE. To learn more about knowledge graph embedding models, see DGL-KE.

Training custom models in Neptune ML

Neptune ML lets you define and implement custom models of your own, for particular scenarios. See Custom models in Neptune ML for information about how to implement a custom model and how to use Neptune ML infrastructure to train it.