query provides a flexible mechanism for requesting
resource descriptions. However, the SPARQL specifications do not define the precise
semantics of DESCRIBE
Starting with engine release,
Neptune supports several different DESCRIBE
modes and algorithms that
are suited to different situations.
This sample dataset can help illustrate the different modes:
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix : <https://example.com/> . :JaneDoe :firstName "Jane" . :JaneDoe :knows :JohnDoe . :JohnDoe :firstName "John" . :JaneDoe :knows _:b1 . _:b1 :knows :RichardRoe . :RichardRoe :knows :JaneDoe . :RichardRoe :firstName "Richard" . _:s1 rdf:type rdf:Statement . _:s1 rdf:subject :JaneDoe . _:s1 rdf:predicate :knows . _:s1 rdf:object :JohnDoe . _:s1 :knowsFrom "Berlin" . :ref_s2 rdf:type rdf:Statement . :ref_s2 rdf:subject :JaneDoe . :ref_s2 rdf:predicate :knows . :ref_s2 rdf:object :JohnDoe . :ref_s2 :knowsSince 1988 .
The examples below assume that a description of the resource :JaneDoe
is being requested using a SPARQL query like this:
DESCRIBE <https://example.com/JaneDoe>
The describeMode
SPARQL query hint
The hint:describeMode
SPARQL query hint is used to select one of the
modes supported by Neptune:
The ForwardOneStep
You invoke the ForwardOneStep
mode with the describeMode
query hint like this:
PREFIX hint: <http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/QueryHints#> DESCRIBE <https://example.com/JaneDoe> { hint:Query hint:describeMode "ForwardOneStep" }
The ForwardOneStep
mode only returns the attributes and forward
links of the resource to be described. In the example case, this means it returns the
triples that have :JaneDoe
, the resource to be described, as subject:
:JaneDoe :firstName "Jane" . :JaneDoe :knows :JohnDoe . :JaneDoe :knows _:b301990159 .
Note that the DESCRIBE query may return triples with blank nodes, such as
, which have different IDs each time, compared to the
input dataset.
The SymmetricOneStep
is the default DESCRIBE mode if you don't provide a
query hint. You can also invoke it explicitly with the describeMode
hint like this:
PREFIX hint: <http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/QueryHints#> DESCRIBE <https://example.com/JaneDoe> { hint:Query hint:describeMode "SymmetricOneStep" }
Under SymmetricOneStep
semantics, DESCRIBE
returns the
attributes, forward links, and reverse links of the resource to be described:
:JaneDoe :firstName "Jane" . :JaneDoe :knows :JohnDoe . :JaneDoe :knows _:b318767375 . _:b318767631 rdf:subject :JaneDoe . :RichardRoe :knows :JaneDoe . :ref_s2 rdf:subject :JaneDoe .
The Concise Bounded Description (CBD
The Concise Bounded Description (CBD
) mode is invoked using the
query hint like this:
PREFIX hint: <http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/QueryHints#> DESCRIBE <https://example.com/JaneDoe> { hint:Query hint:describeMode "CBD" }
Under CBD
semantics, DESCRIBE
returns the
Concise Bounded Description (as defined
by W3C
:JaneDoe :firstName "Jane" . :JaneDoe :knows :JohnDoe . :JaneDoe :knows _:b285212943 . _:b285212943 :knows :RichardRoe . _:b285213199 rdf:subject :JaneDoe . _:b285213199 rdf:type rdf:Statement . _:b285213199 rdf:predicate :knows . _:b285213199 rdf:object :JohnDoe . _:b285213199 :knowsFrom "Berlin" . :ref_s2 rdf:subject :JaneDoe .
The Concise Bounded Description of an RDF resource (that is, a node in an RDF graph) is the smallest subgraph centered around that node that can stand alone. In practice this means that if you think of this graph as a tree, with the designated node as the root, there are no blank nodes (bnodes) as leaves of that tree. Since bnodes can't be addressed externally or used in subsequent queries, it's not enough for browsing the graph just to find the next single hop(s) from the current node. You also have to go far enough to find something that can be used in subsequent queries (that is, something other than a bnode).
Computing the CBD
Given a particular node (the starting node or root) in the source RDF graph, the CBD of that node is computed as follows:
Include in the subgraph all statements in the source graph where the subject of the statement is the starting node.
Recursively, for all statements in the subgraph thus far that have a blank node object, include in the subgraph all statements in the source graph where the subject of the statement is that blank node, and which are not already included in the subgraph.
Recursively, for all statements included in the subgraph thus far, for all reifications of these statements in the source graph, include the CBD beginning from the
node of each reification.
This results in a subgraph where the object nodes are either IRI references or literals, or blank nodes not serving as the subject of any statement in the graph. Note that the CBD cannot be computed using a single SPARQL SELECT or CONSTRUCT query.
The Symmetric Concise Bounded Description (SCBD
The Symmetric Concise Bounded Description (SCBD
) mode is invoked
using the describeMode
query hint like this:
PREFIX hint: <http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/QueryHints#> DESCRIBE <https://example.com/JaneDoe> { hint:Query hint:describeMode "SCBD" }
Under SCBD
semantics, DESCRIBE
returns the
Symmetric Concise Bounded Description of the resource (as defined by W3C in Describing Linked Datasets with the VoID
:JaneDoe :firstName "Jane" . :JaneDoe :knows :JohnDoe . :JaneDoe :knows _:b335544591 . _:b335544591 :knows :RichardRoe . :RichardRoe :knows :JaneDoe . _:b335544847 rdf:subject :JaneDoe . _:b335544847 rdf:type rdf:Statement . _:b335544847 rdf:predicate :knows . _:b335544847 rdf:object :JohnDoe . _:b335544847 :knowsFrom "Berlin" . :ref_s2 rdf:subject :JaneDoe .
The advantage of CBD and SCBD over the ForwardOneStep
and SymmetricOneStep
modes is that blank nodes are always expanded to include their representation.
This may be an important advantage because you can't query a blank
node using SPARQL. In addition, CBD and SCBD modes also consider reifications.
Note that the describeMode
query hint can also be part of a
PREFIX hint: <http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/QueryHints#> DESCRIBE ?s WHERE { hint:Query hint:describeMode "CBD" . ?s rdf:type <https://example.com/Person> }
The describeIterationLimit
SPARQL query hint
The hint:describeIterationLimit
SPARQL query hint provides an
optional constraint on the maximum number of iterative
expansions to be performed for iterative DESCRIBE algorithms such as CBD and SCBD.
DESCRIBE limits are ANDed together. Therefore, if both the iteration limit and the statements limit are specified, then both limits must be met before the DESCRIBE query is cut off.
The default for this value is 5. You may set it to ZERO (0) to specify NO limit on the number of iterative expansions.
The describeStatementLimit
SPARQL query hint
The hint:describeStatementLimit
SPARQL query hint provides an
optional constraint on the maximum number of statements
that may be present in a DESCRIBE query response. It is only applied for iterative
DESCRIBE algorithms such as CBD and SCBD.
DESCRIBE limits are ANDed together. Therefore, if both the iteration limit and the statements limit are specified, then both limits must be met before the DESCRIBE query is cut off.
The default for this value is 5000. You may set it to ZERO (0) to specify NO limit on the number of statements returned.