View AWS Cloud WAN global network information
View details about a Cloud WAN global network. On the Details page of the global network you can add or modify tags as needed.
To view details about a global network
Access the Network Manager console at
. -
Under Connectivity, choose Global Networks.
On the Global networks page, choose the global network ID.
Choose the Details tab.
On the Details page you can edit the following:
(Optional) To edit the description of your global network, in the Details section, choose Edit. In the Description field, enter a new description for your global network, and then choose Edit global network.
(Optional) To edit, add, or delete tags, in the Tags section, choose Edit tags.
To edit any current tag, change the Key or Value text as needed.
To add additional Key and Value tags, choose Add tag for each tag that you want to add.
To remove any existing tag, choose Remove tag.