AWS Cloud WAN example: Insert firewalls between on-premises and VPCs
In this policy, the goal is to send all traffic from on-premises to AWS through a firewall. The customer has a VPC with a firewall (AWS Network Firewall, Gateway Load Balancer, or EC2/Marketplace offering) already configured in the VPC. The firewall is responsible for inspecting traffic from on-premises to AWS, and from AWS VPCs in the internalApps segment to the internet.
Similar to Example: Edge
consolidation, the VPC and VPNs are mapped to segments based on the attachment
type. The one exception is the firewall VPC, which needs its own specific segment so that it
can be shared separately with the other segments. In order to force the traffic coming in
from the VPN to a firewall, static routes are configured that point to the firewall. In this
case, the AWS VPCs in the internalApps segment are using the
CIDR space. All other private (RFC1918) space is advertised from the VPN connection. In this
case, the policy uses the share and static-route options to define how each of the three
segments receive the correct routes to send traffic through a middle box.
"version": "2021.12",
"core-network-configuration": {
"asn-ranges": [
"edge-locations": [
"location": "us-east-1"
"location": "us-west-2"
"segments": [
"name": "internalApps"
"name": "firewall"
"name": "onPremises"
"segment-actions": [
"action": "create-route",
"destination-cidr-blocks": [
"segment": "internalApps",
"destinations": [
"description": "Send all internet headed on-premises through the firewall"
"action": "create-route",
"destination-cidr-blocks": [
"segment": "onPremises",
"destinations": [
"description": "Send all traffic received from the VPN through the firewall"
"action": "share",
"mode": "attachment-route",
"segment": "firewall",
"share-with": [
"attachment-policies": [
"rule-number": 500,
"description": "We’ll do our specific policies before we do attachment types.",
"conditions": [
"type": "tag-value",
"key": "core-network",
"operator": "equals",
"value": "firewall"
"action": {
"association-method": "constant",
"segment": "firewall"
"rule-number": 1000,
"description": "Let’s assume all VPCs are internal apps",
"conditions": [
"type": "attachment-type",
"operator": "equals",
"value": "vpc"
"action": {
"association-method": "constant",
"segment": "internalApps"
"rule-number": 1500,
"description": "Let’s also assume all VPNs are from on-premises",
"conditions": [
"type": "attachment-type",
"operator": "equals",
"value": "site-to-site-vpn"
"action": {
"association-method": "constant",
"segment": "onPremises"