Using blueprints to create a pipeline
Rather than creating a pipeline definition from scratch, you can use configuration blueprints, which are preconfigured YAML templates for common ingestion scenarios such as Trace Analytics or Apache logs. Configuration blueprints help you easily provision pipelines without having to author a configuration from scratch.
To use a pipeline blueprint
Sign in to the Amazon OpenSearch Service console at
. -
Choose Pipelines in the left navigation pane and choose Create pipeline.
Select a blueprint from the list of use cases, then choose Select blueprint. The pipeline configuration populates with a sub-pipeline for the use case you selected.
Review the commented-out text which guides you through configuring the blueprint.
The pipeline blueprint isn't valid as-is. You need to make some modifications, such as providing the AWS Region and the role ARN to use for authentication, otherwise pipeline validation will fail.
To get a list of all available blueprints using the AWS CLI, send a list-pipeline-blueprints request.
aws osis list-pipeline-blueprints
The request returns a list of all available blueprints.
To get more detailed information about a specific blueprint, use the get-pipeline-blueprint command:
aws osis get-pipeline-blueprint --blueprint-name
This request returns the contents of the Apache log pipeline blueprint:
{ "Blueprint":{ "PipelineConfigurationBody":"###\n # Limitations:\n###\n###\n # apache-log-pipeline:\n # This pipeline receives logs via http (e.g. FluentBit), extracts important values from the logs by matching\n # the value in the 'log' key against the grok common Apache log pattern. The grokked logs are then sent\n # to OpenSearch to an index named 'logs'\n###\n\nversion: \"2\"\napache-log-pipeline:\n source:\n http:\n # Provide the path for ingestion. ${pipelineName} will be replaced with pipeline name configured for this pipeline.\n # In this case it would be \"/apache-log-pipeline/logs\". This will be the FluentBit output URI value.\n path: \"/${pipelineName}/logs\"\n processor:\n - grok:\n match:\n log: [ \"%{COMMONAPACHELOG_DATATYPED}\" ]\n sink:\n - opensearch:\n # Provide an AWS OpenSearch Service domain endpoint\n # hosts: [ \"\" ]\n aws:\n # Provide a Role ARN with access to the domain. This role should have a trust relationship with\n # sts_role_arn: \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Example-Role\"\n # Provide the region of the domain.\n # region: \"us-east-1\"\n # Enable the 'serverless' flag if the sink is an Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collection\n # serverless: true\n index: \"logs\"\n # Enable the S3 DLQ to capture any failed requests in an S3 bucket\n # dlq:\n # s3:\n # Provide an S3 bucket\n # bucket: \"your-dlq-bucket-name\"\n # Provide a key path prefix for the failed requests\n # key_path_prefix: \"${pipelineName}/logs/dlq\"\n # Provide the region of the bucket.\n # region: \"us-east-1\"\n # Provide a Role ARN with access to the bucket. This role should have a trust relationship with\n # sts_role_arn: \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Example-Role\"\n", "BlueprintName":"AWS-ApacheLogPipeline" } }
To get information about pipeline blueprints using the OpenSearch Ingestion API, use the the ListPipelineBlueprints and GetPipelineBlueprint operations.