Attributes File - AWS OpsWorks

Attributes File


The AWS OpsWorks Stacks service reached end of life on May 26, 2024 and has been disabled for both new and existing customers. We strongly recommend customers migrate their workloads to other solutions as soon as possible. If you have questions about migration, reach out to the AWS Support Team on AWS re:Post or through AWS Premium Support.

Before looking at the recipes, it is useful to first examine the Tomcat cookbook's attributes file, which contains variety of configuration settings that the recipes use. Attributes aren't required; you can simply hardcode these values in your recipes or templates. However, if you define configuration settings using attributes, you can use the AWS OpsWorks Stacks console or API to modify the values by defining custom JSON attributes, which is simpler and more flexible than rewriting the recipe or template code every time you want to change a setting. This approach allows you, for example, to use the same cookbook for multiple stacks, but configure the Tomcat server differently for each stack. For more information on attributes and how to override them, see Overriding Attributes.

The following example shows the complete attributes file, default.rb, which is located in the Tomcat cookbook's attributes directory.

default['tomcat']['base_version'] = 6 default['tomcat']['port'] = 8080 default['tomcat']['secure_port'] = 8443 default['tomcat']['ajp_port'] = 8009 default['tomcat']['shutdown_port'] = 8005 default['tomcat']['uri_encoding'] = 'UTF-8' default['tomcat']['unpack_wars'] = true default['tomcat']['auto_deploy'] = true case node[:platform] when 'centos', 'redhat', 'fedora', 'amazon' default['tomcat']['java_opts'] = '' when 'debian', 'ubuntu' default['tomcat']['java_opts'] = '-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx128m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC' end default['tomcat']['catalina_base_dir'] = "/etc/tomcat#{node['tomcat']['base_version']}" default['tomcat']['webapps_base_dir'] = "/var/lib/tomcat#{node['tomcat']['base_version']}/webapps" default['tomcat']['lib_dir'] = "/usr/share/tomcat#{node['tomcat']['base_version']}/lib" default['tomcat']['java_dir'] = '/usr/share/java' default['tomcat']['mysql_connector_jar'] = 'mysql-connector-java.jar' default['tomcat']['apache_tomcat_bind_mod'] = 'proxy_http' # or: 'proxy_ajp' default['tomcat']['apache_tomcat_bind_config'] = 'tomcat_bind.conf' default['tomcat']['apache_tomcat_bind_path'] = '/tc/' default['tomcat']['webapps_dir_entries_to_delete'] = %w(config log public tmp) case node[:platform] when 'centos', 'redhat', 'fedora', 'amazon' default['tomcat']['user'] = 'tomcat' default['tomcat']['group'] = 'tomcat' default['tomcat']['system_env_dir'] = '/etc/sysconfig' when 'debian', 'ubuntu' default['tomcat']['user'] = "tomcat#{node['tomcat']['base_version']}" default['tomcat']['group'] = "tomcat#{node['tomcat']['base_version']}" default['tomcat']['system_env_dir'] = '/etc/default' end

The settings themselves are discussed later in the related section. The following notes apply generally:

  • All of the node definitions are default type, so you can override them with custom JSON attributes.

  • The file uses a case statement to conditionally set some attribute values based on instance's operating system.

    The platform node is generated by Chef's Ohai tool and represents the instance's operating system.