Delete a resource-based delegation policy with AWS Organizations - AWS Organizations

Delete a resource-based delegation policy with AWS Organizations

When you no longer need to delegate the management of policies in your organization, you can delete the resource-based delegation policy from the organization's management account.


If you delete your resource-based delegation policy, you can't recover it.

Minimum permissions

To delete the resource-based delegation policy, you need permissions to run the following action: organizations:DeleteResourcePolicy.

AWS Management Console
To delete a delegation policy
  1. Sign in to the AWS Organizations console. You must sign in as an IAM user, assume an IAM role, or sign in as the root user (not recommended) in the organization’s management account.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. In the Delegated administrator for AWS Organizations section, choose Delete.

  4. In the Delete policy confirmation dialog box, type delete. Then, choose Delete policy.

Delete a delegation policy

You can use the following command to delete a delegation policy:

  • AWS CLI: delete-resource-policy

    The following example deletes the policy.

    $ aws organizations delete-resource-policy