Migrating an account to another organization with AWS Organizations - AWS Organizations

Migrating an account to another organization with AWS Organizations

You can migrate an AWS account from another organization to another at any time. For example, migrating an account can be helpful in the case of a merger and acquisition when you need to consolidate one or more AWS accounts from multiple organizations into one organization.

Whatever your use case, migrating an account between organizations requires for you to remove the account from the old organization, for you to make the account a standalone account, and for the account to accept the invitation from the new organization to join the new organization. Your workloads and services will continue to operate according to your specifications during the migration. However, it is important to be aware of any dependencies you might have in your organization.


Closed or suspended accounts cannot be migrated

You cannot migrate a closed or suspended account. To reactive an account, contact Support.

Seven day age requirement

To migrate an account that you created in an organization, you must wait until at least seven days after the account was created. Invited accounts aren't subject to this waiting period.

Replicating data between accounts

The following AWS Prescriptive Guidance provides information about strategies for replicating data between AWS accounts: Resource replication or migration between AWS accounts.

What you need to do before migrating an account

Before migrating your AWS account from one organization to another, make sure you have completed the following steps.

Step 1: Check that you have the necessary IAM permissions to migrate an account

Make sure you have applied the necessary permissions for migrating an account to the respective organizations.

To leave an organization, you must have the following permissions:

  • organizations:DescribeOrganization (console only)

  • organizations:LeaveOrganization

For more information, see Leave an organization from your member account.

To invite an AWS account to join an organization, you must have the following permissions:

  • organizations:DescribeOrganization (console only)

  • organizations:InviteAccountToOrganization

For more information, see Inviting an AWS account to join your organization.

To migrate an account, you cannot have IAM policies or service control policies that prevent migration

If you are the management account or a delegated administrator, you can control access to AWS resources by attaching permissions policies to IAM identities (users, groups, and roles) within an organization. For more information, see IAM policies for AWS Organizations.

Before migrating an account:

  • Check that there are no IAM policies or service control policies (SCPs) that prevent you from migrating the account.

  • Identify existing IAM policies and service control policies (SCPs) that you need to replicate in the organization where you are migrating the account.

  • Identify existing IAM policies which specify your organization ID. For example, aws:PrincipalOrgID.

For more information, see Managing IAM policies in the IAM User Guide and Service control policies (SCPs).

Step 2: Check that you have removed IAM permissions that enable access to the old management account

Make sure you have removed IAM permissions that enable access to the old management account such as OrganizationAccountAccessRole.

When you remove a member account from an organization, any IAM role that was created to enable access by the organization's management account isn't automatically deleted. If you want to terminate this access from the former organization's management account, then you must manually delete the IAM role.

For information about how to delete a role, see Deleting roles or instance profiles in the IAM User Guide.

Step 3: Check your phone verification and payment method

The migrating account must operate as a standalone account for a period of time before migrating to the new organization.

To allow an account operate as a standalone account, check the following:

  • Make sure your phone verification is up-to-date.

  • Make sure have have added a valid payment method for the account to address any charges that are incurred while the account is migrating.

  • If you use invoicing for your payment method, make sure your invoice is up-to-date.

Step 4: Back up all reports

Make sure to export or back up reports from the management account, especially billing reports. Organizational level reports and history are not stored when you migrate an account. It is recommended that you do a full export of all billing history. You can still access reports for member account such as AWS CloudTrail Event history and account billing history.


All organizational level reporting and history, such as organizational billing information in the management account, will be deleted after an account is removed from an organization.

For more information, see Cost and Usage Reports, Cost Explorer Reports, Savings Plans Reports, and Reserved Instance (RI) utilization and coverage.

Step 5: Check for organization dependencies

Make sure the migrating account does not have any organization-related dependencies.

Dependencies to check:

  • If the account is a delegated administrator, you must deregister the delegated administrator permissions before migrating the account. For more information, see Services you can use with AWS Organizations.

  • If the account is the management account, you must remove all member accounts from the organization and delete the organization before migrating. After you have deleted the organization, your management account will operate as a standalone account. After migration, the management account will be a member account of the new organization. For more information, see Deleting an organization.

  • If any IAM permissions depend on the account, you will need to adjust the permissions for the old organization after you have migrated the account to the new organization in order for the old organization to function as before. For more information, see Managing access permissions for your organization.

  • If you are using any account or organizational unit (OU) tags, you will need to recreate the tags in the new organization.

(Optional) Step 6: Review guidance if you use AWS Control Tower

If you are migrating an account to or from an organization managed by AWS Control Tower, review the following AWS Prescriptive Guidance: Migrate an AWS member account from AWS Organizations to AWS Control Tower.

What you need to do to migrate an account

The migration process requires for the new organization to send an invitation to the migrating account, for the old organization to remove the migration account, and for the migrating account to accept the invitation from the new organization to join the new organization.

To migrate an account
  1. Send an invitation from the management account of the new organization to the migrating account. You should send the invitation to the account before it leaves the old organization. This helps to minimize the costs incurred when the migrating account temporarily operates as a standalone account. For information about inviting accounts, see Inviting an AWS account to join your organization.

  2. Remove the migrating account from the old organization. You can remove a member account from your organization using the management account or leave an organization from as a member account.

  3. Accept the invitation to join the new organization. For more information, see Accepting an invitation from an organization. Accounts that are migrated from one another organization to another will be automatically added to the root of the new organization. Before moving an account to an organizational unit (OU) in the new organization, it is recommended that you check that migrating account has the appropriate organization policies and OU permissions.

  4. If you want to migrate the management account, you must remove all member accounts from the organization and delete the organization before migrating the management account to the new organization. After you have deleted the old organization, your management account will operate as a standalone account and can accept the invitation from the new organization to join the new organization. If you accept the invitation, the management account will be a member account of the new organization.

What you need to do after migrating an account

After migration your account from one organization to another, make sure you have completed the following steps.

Post-migration review
  1. Evaluate all of the billing tool configurations for the migrated account, such as cost categories, budgets, and billing alarms.

  2. Review and update the following monetary information for any accounts that you migrated from one organization to another:

    1. If necessary, update the tax settings on the account.

    2. Make sure the Support plan for migrating account matches payer account for the new organization.

    3. Review any possible tax exemptions that you might want to apply to the account you migrated.

  3. Validate and confirm existing IAM policies and service control policies (SCPs) for the migrated account. For example, you might need to update the organization ID for some IAM policies to reflect the new organization.

  4. Update cost allocation tags for new organization where you migrated the account. You will need to update all the previous cost allocation tags collected by account you migrated.

  5. Any Reserved Instances and Saving Plans will migrate along with the account. These are not retained in the old organization. Contact Support if these need to be transferred to the old organization.