Sending account invitations with AWS Organizations - AWS Organizations

Sending account invitations with AWS Organizations

To invite accounts to your organization, you must first verify that you own the email address associated with the management account. For more information, see Email address verification with AWS Organizations. After you verify your email address, complete the following steps to invite accounts to your organization.

Minimum permissions

To invite an AWS account to join your organization, you must have the following permissions:

  • organizations:DescribeOrganization (console only)

  • organizations:InviteAccountToOrganization

AWS Management Console
To invite another account to join your organization
  1. Sign in to the AWS Organizations console. You must sign in as an IAM user, assume an IAM role, or sign in as the root user (not recommended) in the organization’s management account.

  2. If you already verified your email address with AWS, skip this step.

    If you haven't yet verified your email address, follow the instructions in the verification email within 24 hours after you create the organization. There might be a delay before you receive the verification email message. You can't invite an account to join your organization until you verify your email address.

  3. Navigate to the AWS accounts page, and choose Add an AWS account.

  4. On the Add an AWS account page, choose Invite an existing AWS account.

  5. On the Invite an existing AWS page, for Email address or account ID of the AWS account to invite enter either the email address associated with the account to be invited, or its account ID number.

  6. (Optional) For Message to include in the invitation email message, enter any text that you want to include in the email invitation to the invited account owner.

  7. (Optional) In the Add tags section, specify one or more tags that are automatically applied to the account after its administrator accepts the invitation. To do this, choose Add tag and then enter a key and an optional value. Leaving the value blank sets it to an empty string; it isn't null. You can attach up to 50 tags to an AWS account.

  8. Choose Send invitation.


    If you get a message that you exceeded your account quotas for the organization or that you can't add an account because your organization is still initializing, contact AWS Support.

  9. The console redirects you to the Invitations page page where you can view all open and accepted invitations here. The invitation that you just created appears at the top of the list with its status set to OPEN.

    AWS Organizations sends an invitation to the email address of the owner of the account that you invited to the organization. This email message includes a link to the AWS Organizations console, where the account owner can view the details and choose to accept or decline the invitation. Alternatively, the owner of the invited account can bypass the email message, go directly to the AWS Organizations console, view the invitation, and accept or decline it.

    The invitation to this account immediately counts against the maximum number of accounts that you can have in your organization. AWS Organizations doesn't wait until the account accepts the invitation. If the invited account declines, the management account cancels the invitation. If the invited account doesn't respond within the specified time period, the invitation expires. In either case, the invitation no longer counts against your quota.

To invite another account to join your organization

You can use one of the following commands to invite another account to join your organization:

  • AWS CLI: invite-account-to-organization

    $ aws organizations invite-account-to-organization \ --target '{"Type": "EMAIL", "Id": ""}' \ --notes "This is a request for Juan's account to join Bill's organization." { "Handshake": { "Action": "INVITE", "Arn": "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111", "ExpirationTimestamp": 1482952459.257, "Id": "h-examplehandshakeid111", "Parties": [ { "Id": "o-exampleorgid", "Type": "ORGANIZATION" }, { "Id": "", "Type": "EMAIL" } ], "RequestedTimestamp": 1481656459.257, "Resources": [ { "Resources": [ { "Type": "MASTER_EMAIL", "Value": "" }, { "Type": "MASTER_NAME", "Value": "Management Account" }, { "Type": "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "Value": "FULL" } ], "Type": "ORGANIZATION", "Value": "o-exampleorgid" }, { "Type": "EMAIL", "Value": "" } ], "State": "OPEN" } }
  • AWS SDKs: InviteAccountToOrganization