Tag policy syntax and examples - AWS Organizations

Tag policy syntax and examples

This page describes tag policy syntax and provides examples.

Tag policy syntax

A tag policy is a plaintext file that is structured according to the rules of JSON. The syntax for tag policies follows the syntax for management policy types. For a complete discussion of that syntax, see Understanding management policy inheritance. This topic focuses on applying that general syntax to the specific requirements of the tag policy type.

The following tag policy shows basic tag policy syntax:

{ "tags": { "costcenter": { "tag_key": { "@@assign": "CostCenter" }, "tag_value": { "@@assign": [ "100", "200" ] }, "enforced_for": { "@@assign": [ "secretsmanager:*" ] } } } }

Tag policy syntax includes the following elements:

  • The tags field key name. Tag policies always start with this fixed key name. It's the top line in the example policy above.

  • A policy key that uniquely identifies the policy statement. It must match the value for the tag key, except for the case treatment. Unlike the tag key (described next), the policy value is not case sensitive.

    In this example, costcenter is the policy key.

  • At least one tag key that specifies the allowed tag key with the capitalization that you want resources to be compliant with. If case treatment isn't defined, lowercase is the default case treatment for tag keys. The value for the tag key must match the value for the policy key. But since the policy key value is case insensitive, the capitalization can be different.

    In this example, CostCenter is the tag key. This is the case treatment that is required for compliance with the tag policy. Resources with alternate case treatment for this tag key are noncompliant with the tag policy.

    You can define multiple tag keys in a tag policy.

  • (Optional) A list of one or more acceptable tag values for the tag key. If the tag policy doesn't specify a tag value for a tag key, any value (including no value at all) is considered compliant.

    In this example, acceptable values for the CostCenter tag key are 100 and 200.

  • (Optional) An enforced_for option that indicates whether to prevent any noncompliant tagging operations on specified services and resources. In the console, this is the Prevent noncompliant operations for this tag option in the visual editor for creating tag policies. The default setting for this option is null.

    The example tag policy specifies that the CostCenter tag passed on all AWS Secrets Manager resources must be compliant with this policy.


    You should only change this option from the default if you are experienced with using tag policies. Otherwise, you could prevent users in your organization's accounts from creating the resources they need.

  • Operators that specify how the tag policy merges with other tag policies within the organization tree to create an account's effective tag policy. In this example, @@assign is used to assign strings to tag_key, tag_value, and enforced_for. For more information about operators, see Inheritance operators.

  • – You can use the * wildcard in tag values and enforced_for fields.

    • You can use only one wildcard per tag value. For example, *@example.com is allowed, but *@*.com is not.

    • For enforced_for, you can use <service>:* with some services to enable enforcement for all resources for that service. For a list of services and resource types that support enforced_for, see Services and resource types that support enforcement.

      You can't use a wildcard to specify all services or to specify a resource for all services.

Tag policy examples

The example tag policies that follow are for information purposes only.


Before you attempt to use these example tag policies in your organization, note the following:

  • Make sure that you've followed the recommended workflow for getting started with tag policies.

  • You should carefully review and customize these tag policies for your unique requirements.

  • All characters in your tag policy are subject to a maximum size. The examples in this guide show tag policies formatted with extra white space to improve their readability. However, to save space if your policy size approaches the maximum size, you can delete any white space. Examples of white space include space characters and line breaks that are outside quotation marks.

  • Untagged resources don't appear as noncompliant in results.

Example 1: Define organization-wide tag key case

The following example shows a tag policy that only defines two tag keys and the capitalization that you want accounts in your organization to standardize on.

Policy A – organization root tag policy

{ "tags": { "CostCenter": { "tag_key": { "@@assign": "CostCenter", "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies": ["@@none"] } }, "Project": { "tag_key": { "@@assign": "Project", "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies": ["@@none"] } } } }

This tag policy defines two tag keys: CostCenter and Project. Attaching this tag policy to the organization root has the following effects:

  • All accounts in your organization inherit this tag policy.

  • All accounts in your organization must use the defined case treatment for compliance. Resources with CostCenter and Project tags are compliant. Resources with alternate case treatment for the tag key (for example, costcenter, Costcenter, or COSTCENTER) are noncompliant.

  • The @@operators_allowed_for_child_policies": ["@@none"] lines lock down the tag keys. Tag policies that are attached lower in the organization tree (child policies) can't use value-setting operators to change the tag key, including its case treatment.

  • As with all tag policies, untagged resources or tags that aren't defined in the tag policy aren't evaluated for compliance with the tag policy.

AWS recommends that you use this example as a guide in creating a similar tag policy for tag keys that you want to use. Attach it to the organization root. Then create a tag policy similar to the next example, which only defines the acceptable values for the defined tag keys.

Next step: Define values

Assume that you attached the previous tag policy to the organization root. Next, you can create a tag policy like the following and attach it to an account. This policy defines acceptable values for the CostCenter and Project tag keys.

Policy B – account tag policy

{ "tags": { "CostCenter": { "tag_value": { "@@assign": [ "Production", "Test" ] } }, "Project": { "tag_value": { "@@assign": [ "A", "B" ] } } } }

If you attach Policy A to the organization root and Policy B to an account, the policies combine to create the following effective tag policy for the account:

Policy A + Policy B = effective tag policy for account

{ "tags": { "Project": { "tag_value": [ "A", "B" ], "tag_key": "Project" }, "CostCenter": { "tag_value": [ "Production", "Test" ], "tag_key": "CostCenter" } } }

For more information about policy inheritance, including examples of how the inheritance operators work and example effective tag policies, see Understanding management policy inheritance.

Example 2: Prevent use of a tag key

To prevent the use of a tag key, you can attach a tag policy like the following to an organization entity.

This example policy specifies that no values are acceptable for the Color tag key. It also specifies that no operators are allowed in child tag policies. Therefore, any Color tags on resources in affected accounts are considered non-compliant. However, the enforced_for option actually prevents affected accounts from tagging only Amazon DynamoDB tables with the Color tag.

{ "tags": { "Color": { "tag_key": { "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies": [ "@@none" ], "@@assign": "Color" }, "tag_value": { "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies": [ "@@none" ], "@@assign": [] }, "enforced_for": { "@@assign": [ "dynamodb:table" ] } } } }