Viewing details of an account in an organization with AWS Organizations - AWS Organizations

Viewing details of an account in an organization with AWS Organizations

When you sign in to the organization's management account in the AWS Organizations console, you can view details about your accounts.

Minimum permissions

To view the details of an AWS account, you must have the following permissions:

  • organizations:DescribeAccount

  • organizations:DescribeOrganization – required only when using the Organizations console

  • organizations:ListAccounts – required only when using the Organizations console

AWS Management Console
To view details of an AWS account
  1. Sign in to the AWS Organizations console. You must sign in as an IAM user, assume an IAM role, or sign in as the root user (not recommended) in the organization’s management account.

  2. Navigate to the AWS accounts page and choose the name of the name of the account (not the radio button) that you want to examine. If the account that you want is a child of an OU, you might have to choose the triangle icon Gray cloud icon representing cloud computing or storage services. next to an OU to expand it and see its children. Repeat until you find the account.

    The Account details box shows the information about the account.

To view details of an AWS account

You can use the following commands to view details of an account:

  • AWS CLI:

    Both commands return the same details for each account included in the response.

    The following example shows how to retrieve the details about a specified account.

    $ aws organizations describe-account --account-id 123456789012 { "Account": { "Id": "123456789012", "Arn": "arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:account/o-aa111bb222/123456789012", "Email": "", "Name": " Organization's Management Account", "Status": "ACTIVE", "JoinedMethod": "INVITED", "JoinedTimestamp": "2020-11-20T09:04:20.346000-08:00" } }
  • AWS SDKs: