Step 1: Grant permissions to install the Outposts server - AWS Outposts

Step 1: Grant permissions to install the Outposts server

To verify the identity of the new device, you must have IAM credentials in the AWS account that contains the Outpost. The AWS OutpostsAuthorizeServerPolicy policy grants the permissions required to install an Outposts server. For more information, see Identity and access management (IAM) for AWS Outposts in the AWS Outposts user guide for servers.

  • If you are using a third party that does not have access to your AWS account, you must provide temporary access.

  • AWS Outposts supports using temporary credentials. You can configure temporary credentials that last up to 36 hours. Ensure that you give the installer enough time to perform all the steps for server installation. For more information, see Using temporary credentials with AWS Outposts in the AWS Outposts User Guide for Outposts servers.