DeploymentSettings section - AWS ParallelCluster

DeploymentSettings section

(Optional) Specifies the deployment settings configuration.

DeploymentSettings: LambdaFunctionsVpcConfig: SecurityGroupIds - string SubnetIds - string

DeploymentSettings properties


(Optional) Specifies the AWS Lambda functions VPC configurations. For more information, see AWS Lambda VPC configuration in AWS ParallelCluster.

LambdaFunctionsVpcConfig: SecurityGroupIds - string SubnetIds - string

LambdaFunctionsVpcConfig properties

SecurityGroupIds (Required, [String])

The list of Amazon VPC security group IDs that are attached to the Lambda functions.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

SubnetIds (Required, [String])

The list of subnet IDs that are attached to the Lambda functions.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.


The subnets and security groups must be in the same VPC.


DeploymentSettings is added starting with AWS ParallelCluster version 3.4.0.