Amazon CloudWatch alarms for cluster metrics - AWS ParallelCluster

Amazon CloudWatch alarms for cluster metrics

Starting with AWS ParallelCluster version 3.6, you can configure your cluster with Amazon CloudWatch alarms for monitoring the head node. One alarm monitors the root volume disk_used_percent. The other alarm monitors the mem_used_percent metric. For more information, see Metrics collected by the CloudWatch agent in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

The alarms are named as follows:
  • cluster-name_DiskAlarm_HeadNode

  • cluster-name_MemAlarm_HeadNode

cluster-name is the name of your cluster.

Access the alarms in the CloudWatch console by choosing Alarms in the navigation pane. The following images show the disk usage alarm and memory usage alarm for a cluster.

A graph of the disk usage alarm status.

A graph of the memory usage alarm status.

The disk usage alarm is in the ALARM state when the disk usage percentage is greater than 90% for 1 data point, within a 1 minute time period.

The memory usage alarm is in the ALARM state when the memory usage percentage is greater than 90% for 1 data point, within a 1 minute time period.


AWS ParallelCluster doesn't configure alarm actions by default. For information about how to set up alarm actions, such as sending notifications, see Alarm actions. For more information about Amazon CloudWatch alarms, see Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

If you don’t want to create these Amazon CloudWatch alarms, deactivate them by setting Monitoring / Dashboards / CloudWatch / Enabled to false in the cluster configuration. This also disables the creation of the Amazon CloudWatch dashboard. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.


If you deactivate the creation of the Amazon CloudWatch dashboard, you also deactivate the Amazon CloudWatch disk_used_percent and memory_used_percent alarms for your cluster.