Describe the instances that belong to a cluster.
Request syntax
GET /v3/clusters/{
}/instances { "nextToken": "string", "nodeType": "string", "queueName": "string", "region": "string" }
Request body
- clusterName
The name of the cluster.
Type: string
Required: Yes
- nextToken
A token that's used for paginated requests.
Type: string
Required: No
- nodeType
Filter the instances by node type.
Type: string
Valid values:
Required: No
- queueName
Filter the instances by queue name.
Type: string
Required: No
- region
The AWS Region that the cluster is in.
Type: string
Required: No
Response syntax
{ "nextToken": "string", "instances": [ { "instanceId": "string", "instanceType": "string", "launchTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "privateIpAddress": "string", "publicIpAddress": "string", "state": "pending", "nodeType": "HeadNode", "queueName": "string", "poolName": "string" } ] }
Response body
- instances
The list of cluster instances.
- instanceId
The Amazon EC2 instance ID.
Type: string
- instanceType
The Amazon EC2 instance type.
Type: string
- launchTime
The time when the Amazon EC2 instance was launched.
Type: datetime
- nodeType
The node type.
Type: string
Valid values:
- publicIpAddress
The cluster public IP address.
Type: string
- queueName
The name of the queue that the Amazon EC2 instance is backing a node in.
Type: string
- state
The node Amazon EC2 instance status.
Type: string
Valid values:
pending | running | shutting-down | terminated | stopping | stopped
- nextToken
A token that's used for paginated requests.
Type: string