Retrieve the list of log streams that's associated with an image.
Request syntax
GET /v3/images/custom/{
}/logstreams { "nextToken": "string", "region": "string" }
Request body
- imageId
The ID of the image.
Type: string
Required: Yes
- nextToken
A token that's used for paginated requests.
Type: string
Required: No
- region
The AWS Region that the image is in.
Type: string
Required: No
Response syntax
{ "nextToken": "string", "logStreams": [ { "logStreamName": "string", "creationTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "firstEventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastEventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastIngestionTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "uploadSequenceToken": "string", "logStreamArn": "string" } ] }
Response body
- logStreams
A list of log streams.
- creationTime
The time when the stream was created.
Type: datetime
- firstEventTimestamp
The time of the first event in the stream.
Type: datetime
- lastEventTimestamp
The time of the last event of the stream. The lastEventTime value updates on an eventual consistency basis. It typically updates in less than an hour from ingestion, but in rare situations might take longer.
Type: datetime
- lastIngestionTime
The last ingestion time.
Type: datetime
- logStreamArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the log stream.
Type: string
- logStreamName
The name of the log stream.
Type: string
- uploadSequenceToken
The sequence token.
Type: string
- next_token
A token that's used for paginated requests.
Type: string