pcluster list-cluster-log-streams - AWS ParallelCluster

pcluster list-cluster-log-streams

Retrieve the list of log streams associated with a cluster.

pcluster list-cluster-log-streams [-h] --cluster-name CLUSTER_NAME [--filters FILTERS [FILTERS ...]] [--next-token NEXT_TOKEN] [--debug] [--query QUERY] [--region REGION]

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster list-cluster-log-streams.

--cluster-name, -n CLUSTER_NAME

Specifies the name of the cluster.


Enables debug logging.

--filters FILTERS [FILTERS ...]

Specifies filters for the log streams. Format: Name=a,Values=1 Name=b,Values=2,3. Supported filters are:


Specifies the short form of the private DNS name of the instance (e.g. ip-10-0-0-101).


Specifies the node type, the only accepted value for this filter is HeadNode.

--next-token NEXT_TOKEN

Specifies the token to use for paginated requests.

--query QUERY

Specifies the JMESPath query to perform on the output.

--region, -r REGION

Specifies the AWS Region to use. The AWS Region must be specified, using the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable, the region setting in the [default] section of the ~/.aws/config file, or the --region parameter.

Example using AWS ParallelCluster version 3.1.4:

$ pcluster list-cluster-log-streams \ -n cluster-v3 \ -r us-east-1 \ --query 'logStreams[*].logStreamName' [ "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.cfn-init", "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.chef-client", "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.cloud-init", "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.clustermgtd", "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.slurmctld", "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.supervisord", "ip-172-31-58-205.i-1234567890abcdef0.system-messages" ]